In this lesson, students develop a GIS map that reflects spatial and temporal responses of bison to prescribed fires that have occurred on The Nature Conservancy's Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. Students will use their maps to draw conclusions about bison’s response to fire.
Essential Question(s)
How can GIS help us better understand the effects prescribed fires have on bison?
Students review the history of bison on the plains.
Students explore basic elements of GIS by developing their own Google maps using authentic sample data.
Students will define key vocabulary within the field of GIS and environmental science by completing a Frayer model.
Students will manipulate and analyze the layers of data on their GIS map.
Students will reflect on their learning with an exit ticket.
Lesson Slides (attached)
Mapping Bison handout (attached; one per student)
Map Analysis Teacher Key (attached)
Caption This slides (linked)
Frayer Model handout (optional; attached; one per student)
Chart paper (one per group)
Marker sets (one per group)
Chromebook or laptop
15 Minute(s)
Begin the lesson by showing slides 2-4 of the attached Lesson Slides, which introduce the title of the lesson, the essential questions, and the learning objectives. Emphasize that the essential question will be addressed throughout the lesson.
Move to slide 5 and play the Bison & Humans: A Shared Story video (stop at 3:37). Next, display slide 6 and explain to students that they will be participating in a Caption This activity. Arrange your students into small groups and assign each group a slide number. Have students type in your shortened URL address or scan your QR code to access the “Caption This” slides. Once students have accessed the activity and their assigned slide, minimize the Lesson Slides and pull-up the “Caption This” slides. Before students begin the activity, make sure to spend a couple of minutes going over slides 1-2 of the “Caption This” slides to review the expectations for the activity as well as an example.
As students begin the activity, feel free to move back to slide 1 of the “Caption This” slides, so that students can consult the directions as they discuss the image. Let students know that they need to choose a speaker who will share their ideas with the class. Give students about 10 minutes for discussing and writing their captions into the slides and responding to other captions by copy/pasting emojis.
Have students reconvene as a whole, and as you proceed through the “Caption This” slides, ask a representative from each group to explain their group’s image to the class and their reasoning behind their caption. After all groups have presented, ask students if they have learned anything new about bison after participating in this activity. Minimize/close the “Caption This” slide deck and resume using the Lesson Slides.
45 Minute(s)
Display slide 7 and ask students about one of the preceding images from the “Caption This” activity pictured on the slide. Discuss the following questions: What did you notice about the bison? Why do you think it was wearing a collar?
Explain to students that the next activity uses the data from research conducted at The Nature Conservancy’s Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. Use slide 8 to review the following information about the Prairie Preserve in as much detail as you find necessary. Explain to students that this 39,650-acre preserve located within the Osage Nation north of Pawhuska, Oklahoma, is the largest expanse of protected tallgrass prairie on earth. Around 2,500 bison are allowed to roam and graze freely over most of the 62-square mile preserve. In 2009, many bison were fitted with global positioning system [GPS] collars to study their movement. The data collected from the collars provides lots of information.
One factor affecting the movement of the free-range bison is the fire disturbance occurring there. Fast forward to today. The data is still being collected from bison wearing “bling” on the same tall grass prairie. Ask students the following question: Can you think of other species with GPS collars? Some sample responses may be lions, elephants, and even personal pets if you consider air tags/microchips.
Tell students that they will be using some of the 2009 data GPS data from tracking the three bison in order to develop a GIS map that shows how bison responded to fires. Display slide 9 and have students scan the QR codes to download and prepare the data files for March, April, and May. Click on the links below and make copies for yourself.
After students have their files saved to their Google drives, pass out the attached Mapping Bison handout to every student and transition to slide 10. Using the instructions in the “Student Guide” section of the handout, have students create their GIS map of bison activity. Consider modeling the steps yourself or unhide slide 11 and have the tutorial playing. Encourage students to explore different layers by clicking the check marks next to each (optional).
Remind students that they will repeat the process outlined on their “Student Guide” for the other two remaining months. Allow students time to complete their maps helping with issues as needed.
30 Minute(s)
Transition to slide 12 and have students watch the “What is GIS?” video.
Break students into small groups (ideally 7 groups total). Give each group one page of chart paper and one set of markers. Display slide 13 and explain the modified Frayer Model strategy where students should draw and label their models on their chart paper as exemplified on the slide. Then, assign each group one of the following vocabulary terms: prescribed fire, spatial, temporal, GPS, GIS, ecoregion, or Tallgrass prairie. Give students time to complete their models based on their assigned term.
Once groups complete their Frayer Model, have students take turns explaining their model while the others take notes on their own notebook paper. If needed, unhide slides 14-16 to clear up any misconceptions over the definitions.
20 Minute(s)
Display slide 17. Now that students understand the terminology and what GIS is and what it’s used for, have them go back to their Google maps they created. Ask students to flip over their Mapping Bison handout and complete the “Map Analysis” side. Explain that students should manipulate the layers of the GIS map they created and respond to the questions on the Map Analysis handout. Once everyone has finished, use the attached Map Analysis Teacher’s Key handout to facilitate a discussion over the answers.
10 Minute(s)
Transition to slide 18 and have students use the Exit Ticket strategy to reflect on what they learned throughout the lesson. Pass out paper to every student and give them time to write their responses.
Burns, K. (2023, December 19). Bison and Humans: A Shared Story. The American Buffalo: Ecosystem Engineers. PBS Learning Media.
Esri. (2024). What is GIS?. YouTube.
Joseph H. Williams tallgrass prairie preserve. (2024). The Nature Conservancy.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Bell ringers and exit tickets. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Caption this. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Frayer model. Strategies.
Yockers, B. (n.d.). Response of Bison to Fire. JenksFERST.