This lesson encourages students to use their knowledge of forces to design an effective parachute. This is a more culturally aware, process-focused version of the classic "egg drop" concept, using a Hawaiian fable to inspire the engineering design process.
Essential Question(s)
Can modern science explain cultural fables or legends? How do you know when you have considered all possibilities before building a solution to a problem?
Students read a story about solving a problem.
Students identify engineering design process steps embedded in the story.
Explain 1
Students discuss the engineering design process elements and come to a consensus about them as they are represented in the story.
Extend 1
Students rotate through stations to determine the best parameters for a parachute.
Explain 2
Students use their data to draw a blueprint of their “best” parachute to bring the 'ulu fruit safely to the ground.
Extend 2
Students build the parachute and test it three times.
Students assess their design and speculate on adjustments needed.
Lesson Slides (attached)
“Kai'ulani and Kekahu Make Pancakes” Short Story (attached; one per student)
“Kai'ulani and Kekahu Make Pancakes” Play (attached; one per student)
Engineering Design Process handout (attached; one per student)
Station Set Up Guide (attached)
Station supplies (see Station Set Up Guide for specific quantities of each material)
Cord or string
Paper (paper bag-style works well)
Plastic (plastic bag-style works well)
Large binder clips
Meter sticks
'Ulu fruit or ball of similar size
Any materials that could be used to make parachute baskets
Pencil or pen
15 Minute(s)
When students enter the classroom, pass out the attached story “Kai'ulani and Kekahu Make Pancakes” in either Short Story or Play format. After students complete their first read-through, have them share out what they feel the story was about.
Next, introduce students to the rest of the lesson using the attached Lesson Slides. Display slide 3 and go over the essential questions. Display slide 4 and go over the lesson objectives.
If needed as an additional resource, display slide 5 to show students a photograph of 'ulu fruit and slide 6 to show a video of 'ulu fruit being harvested.
Move to slide 7 and introduce the Think-Pair-Share strategy. Have students read the story a second time. Instruct them to annotate or highlight the text to respond the following prompt: Based on the reading, identify the five steps of the engineering design process that the characters follow to solve their problem.
After students have read the passage, have them pair up and compare their notes to see how similar or different their steps are. Invite a few students to share what they discussed with their partner with the class.
20 Minute(s)
Pass out the Engineering Design Process handout. This will be used throughout the lesson.
Assign students to groups of two or three. Have them work collaboratively to complete Part 1 on steps of the engineering design process.
Instruct them to use textual evidence from the story to identify the steps that Kai'ulani and Kekahu use to bring down the 'ulu fruit safely from the tree. If there are disagreements, have students use evidence to argue their claim and reach a consensus.
Explain 1
15 Minute(s)
When the groups have completed Part 1 of the handout, discuss with the whole class how each group identified the steps.
Before moving on to the next step, take time to clarify any misconceptions the groups may have expressed.
Tell students that over the next few days, they will test different types of parachutes, just as Kai'ulani and Kekahu do in the story, to determine the best design to bring down the 'ulu fruit safely.
Display slide 8. Review the model of the engineering design process with the whole class.
Move to slide 9. Have students use the Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER) strategy to hypothesize what type of parachute will be the optimal design to get the 'ulu fruit safely down from the tree.
Extend 1
60 Minute(s)
Set up stations on different tables. The supplies needed for each station are included in the Station Set Up Guide. (Depending on student numbers and supply access, you may have multiple tables of the same station.)
Station 1: For the independent variable, provide three different canopy sizes (small, medium, and large). As controls, keep the suspension length and canopy material all the same.
Station 2: For the independent variable, provide three different canopy materials (paper, plastic, and fabric). As controls, keep the suspension length and the canopy size all the same.
Station 3: For the independent variable, provide three different suspension lengths (short, medium, long). As controls, keep the canopy material and canopy size all the same.
Tell students they will use the engineering design process. Instruct students to use the “Parachute Testing Stations” section of the handout to record their observations.
Assign students to work in pairs to test the different canopy materials, canopy size, and suspension length.
Tell them that throughout the trials, they will use the same drop height (3 meters) and suspension load (large binder clip) standard in every station and trial. Remind them they will be comparing the results for the time it takes the large binder clip to hit the ground.
Display slide 10. Review the definitions for independent variable, dependent variable, and control variable.
Before students start each station, remind them to make a hypothesis and determine the following:
independent variable
dependent variable
control variables
Remind students that, as they progress through the stations, they should record their observations about how the different variables affect the results.
Display slide 11. Review with the whole class what they will be testing at each station. Assign pairs to their first station. Instruct them to move in station number order. Clarify that they can progress to any station next but must visit each station until they have completed all trials.
Explain 2
25 Minute(s)
When students are done testing at each station, have them stay in pairs and use their findings to come up with a blueprint for what they think is the best parachute design for Kai'ulani and Kekahu.
Have students create their design under the “Blueprint” section of the handout they already have. Remind them that a variable that must be included in their design is the testing ball or 'ulu fruit. Provide students with a ball or 'ulu fruit to use for their parachute blueprint and design.
Extend 2
25 Minute(s)
After students have completed their planning and have created their blueprints, instruct them to build the parachute they planned.
Display slide 12. Give students time to build their parachutes from their designs.
Once the parachutes have been built, have students test them by dropping their 'ulu fruit or testing ball off a balcony (or similarly high location somewhere around the school) three times.
Remind all members of the group to make and record their observations after each drop under the “Build and Test” section of the handout. Remind the groups to drop the parachutes from the same height each time.
10 Minute(s)
Display slide 13. To guide students in evaluating their design based on their results, have students fill out the “Assess and Reflect” section of the handout.
Invite students to use the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) strategy to write a statement on the optimal parachute design to get the 'ulu fruit safely down from the tree. After students write their CER statements, ask them to reflect on their designs and describe what they would change if they had the opportunity for an additional design phase.
HIHomegrown. (2011, September 5). Breadfruit harvest tool [Video]. YouTube.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Claim, evidence, reasoning (CER). Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Think-pair-share. Strategies.
Loebel-Fried, C. (n.d.). The gift of ku. Spirit of Trees.
McMillan, V. (2010, March 27). Breadfruit [Image]. Flickr.
The STEMAZing Project. (n.d.). Engineering design process, adapted from the UA College of Engineering. The STEMAZing Project for the Office of the Pima County School Superintendent.