
Around the World
Around the World is an interactive review strategy where questions are posted around the classroom for students to answer in a non-sequential path. Students use their answers to each question to lead them to the next question in the series. The non-sequential nature of the question-answer circuit creates a self-guided pathway in which students are actively engaged in learning and creates engaging collaborative opportunities for peer interaction to resolve problems and reinforce lesson content.
Around the World
Around the World is an active learning strategy designed to review and reinforce lesson content by engaging students in a classroom-wide, non-sequential question-and-answer circuit. An answer to a question or problem is printed on the top half of sheets posted around the room, and a question on the bottom half of the sheet leads students to the next station. Students manage their own pacing on the circuit and discuss challenging questions. The flexible structure encourages autonomy and peer collaboration and combines movement, choice, and engagement, making it an effective method for interactive content review for any content area.
Develop a sequential series of lesson-related questions and unique answers.
Print each question on the bottom half of a page and the unique answer on the top half of the next page.
For efficient project management, label each paper with a non-sequential number or letter that you can easily track.
Post questions around the classroom. Space them out and make sure they are easily visible.
Instruct students to begin at any point on the circuit and record their answers on a piece of paper or a tablet, moving from question to question based on their responses.
Circulate and monitor to observe progress, answer questions, offer support, and encourage peer discussion.
After students have completed the circuit, have them review answers as a class. Encourage them to self-check with an answer key or submit their answer sheets for grading.
Maynard, T. (2022, April 11). Review activities kids (and you) won’t hate. AMLE.