
Fiction in the Facts
Students analyze statements to differentiate between fact and fiction, promoting critical thinking and discourse among students to identify correct content area knowledge.
Fiction in the Facts
As in the game "Two Truths and a Lie," two factual statements and one fictional statement are displayed for students to evaluate. Students justify the identification of a false fact within a set of content area-specific statements. In this strategy, students use critical thinking to differentiate between fiction and fact and compose a brief statement that justifies their decision.
Display three statements relating to specific content area knowledge. Two of these statements should be factual, one should be false.
Once statements are displayed, ask students to examine them. The statements should be read critically, looking for elements of truth as well as discrepancies.
Give students time, either working individually or in small groups, to determine which statement in the set of three is a false statement.
Once students have identified the false, or fictional, statement, they will compose a brief paragraph (2-3 sentences) justifying how they know that statement is false and how they know the others to be true.
Students share how they identified the fiction in the facts through a whole-class discussion or individual written exit tickets.