Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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LEARN 2.0 Support

Creating a Lesson

In order to create a lesson, you need to start on the MY LEARN page.

  • Then, select the ‘create’ tab.
  • Find “5E lesson,” and select “create 5E lesson.”
  • When you are in the creation tool you will find three tabs at the top.
    • The ‘Conversation’ tab is where you can collaborate with others to talk over and give feedback on lessons in progress, or leave notes for later.
    • The ‘History’ tab tells you when the content was created, and when changes were made over time.
    • The ‘Meta’ tab is all about metadata. This is where you enable all the powerful search functionality of filters, tell the end user about the content you’re writing and who it’s meant for.
  • A bit further down, you can select the standards you want to apply to your lesson and include information about how much time is needed to carry out the lesson. As you scroll you will see more options. None of these are required and we will explore them more in depth in another tutorial [add link].
  • Move along to the “content” tab. This is where you’ll write the meat of your lesson.

Most of the fields here tell a user something about the lesson. There’s room for attachments used in your lesson, a summary and an essential question, and a snapshot of how each phase of your lesson should work.

The “cover image” section at the top of the page is where you can attach an image that depicts your lesson.

There’s room for a standard 5E lesson and a specific section for resources, but you can also add sections to the lesson, letting you modify the 5E structure for a little more flexibility in how you design.

On the right side of each text section, there are arrows and trash icons. The arrows let you move an entire section up or down in the lesson, letting you reorganize quickly. Selecting the trash icon will delete an entire section if you don’t need it or accidentally added one too many. Be careful! There’s no warning dialog for deleting a section.

To save your work, click the “save” button in the top left-hand corner of the page. LEARN has an automatic save function, but it’s best to save your work often manually as well.

You can preview the lesson by clicking the “Preview” button. This is how end users will experience the lesson, so it can be useful to view it through their eyes.

Going back to lesson creation, selecting the “exit” button takes us back to the MY LEARN page. Here you’ll see a tab called “my resources.” This is where you can see content that you’ve created or begun creating. On the far-right side there are four options: Edit, Copy, Submit for Publication, and Archive. Selecting “Edit” takes us back to lesson creation.

Once you’ve finished working on your lesson, save it one more time, and you’re done!