Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

SOLO Hexagon Generator

Mariana DeLoera | Published: September 29th, 2021 by K20 Center


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SOLO Hexagon Generator

SOLO Hexagon is a HookED app that provides an online hexagon generator. It can populate document templates with hexagons. Students or teachers can fill in the hexagons with content or ideas and create a document that can be used digitally or printed off.

SOLO Hexagon Generator


SOLO Hexagon is an online app that generates hexagon templates for the application of higher-order thinking. You can create hexagons that include content or images on hexagon templates. Hexagon templates can be used as an instructional strategy to determine prior knowledge, promote discourse in the classroom, conduct formative assessments, and extend student-centered learning.


  1. Go to

  2. Choose between small or large hexagons.

  3. If you need more than the allotted 10 hexagons per page, select Add another page of hexagons.

  4. Fill in the information that you would like to appear in the hexagons in the fillable spaces.

  5. Lastly, select Generate document and a printable document or online resource is created. If you plan to use the digital version, the hexagons can be moved and manipulated in the document.

HookED SOLO Hexagon Generator. (n.d.). HookED. Retrieved September 29, 2021, from