Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Looking Back in Time Using Fossil Evidence

Patricia Turner, Teresa Randall, Danny Mattox, Supported by the National Science Foundation FRES-1925896 and The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore OK. | Published: July 17th, 2024 by K20 Center


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Looking Back in Time Using Fossil Evidence

During this lesson, students are introduced to the significance of fossils in understanding past living organisms, gathering evidence about prehistoric life, and providing valuable insights into the Earth's historical environment and its transformations over time. As students progress through Discovery Stations, they engage in making observations and drawing inferences from the fossil specimens. Students then explore a range of informative books that cover topics such as fossil discoveries, evolving landscapes, bones, rocks, and paleontologists. Small groups of students create Frayer model posters based on the knowledge they acquired from the books and discussions.

Looking Back in Time Using Fossil Evidence

