Building community connections is a critical aspect of the career exploration process. Creating long-standing connections with local businesses and Post-Secondary Institutions cultivate sustainable partnerships between the community and the school. This session focuses on peer collaboration aimed on enhancing a school's career exploration program. Participants learn strategies and resources to host their own Career Expo, Career Cafe, and College2Career Forum by brainstorming local community partners.
Essential Questions
How can I grow and sustain a mentorship program with a career focus at my school?
Learning Goals
Participants identify and brainstorm a comprehensive list of potential community partners relevant to their school's needs.
Participants learn to construct a foundational model for a career exploration program.
Participants develop the skills to evaluate the effectiveness and progress of their existing career exploration program critically.
Participants use a modified Appointment Clock icebreaker as a starting point for community partners in each Career Cluster.
Participants complete three rotation activities exploring what it takes to host and facilitate each of the mentoring services.
Participants debrief and work in a group collaboration setting to complete missing career cluster community partners.
Participants use the information and community partners previously listed to complete a school-based needs assessment.
Participants use the information from the session to think about one action item and one barrier per mentoring service during a Gallery Walk.
Materials List
Activity Slides
Station Cards
Mentoring Planning Document
Mentoring Action Plan
Career Cluster Table
Modified Appointment Clock
Career Expo Gym Setup
Career Expo Cluster Cards
Career Cluster Survey Data
Poster Paper
Green & Orange Sticky Notes
5 Minute(s)
Open the session by presenting Slide 2, Community Collaboration: Building Bridges for Career Exploration. This session is meant for participants to build upon their knowledge of community partners who can engage in career exploration events with their students.
Move to Slide 3 and hand out the Modified Appointment Clock handout. Explain how the appointment clock graphic is different from a standard clock because of the extra hours. Note the Modified Appointment Clock has 18 spaces for participants to list one Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) program, place of business, or individual, plus one line for PSIs and military. Inform participants to use the Career Cluster Table handout to help guide their brainstorming, noting that each row on the handout is numbered from 1-16. Once the participants understand the instructions, start the included 3-minute timer. Once the timer ends, check in with your participants to see how many lines they were able to fill out in a short time. Let the participants know they will be filling out the Modified Appointment Clock throughout the session.
Move to Slide 4 and explain the essential question for this session. Move to Slide 5 and explain the learning objectives for the session. Use Slide 6 to showcase any facilitators for this session.
Now move to Slide 7 and explain the activities for the session. Participants will engage in station activities for each of the GEAR UP career exploration programs. The participants will begin by using a Career Expo Gym Set Up to practice designing their own Career Expo with a Career Cluster Card Sort. Next, participants will view sample student career cluster survey data and collaborate with their table group to match career speakers with the interests of their “students.” Lastly, participants will brainstorm hands-on experiences that students can participate in, the action steps needed for off-campus trips, and their expected learning outcomes from these events. Mention that each participant has a Mentor Planning Document that they will use throughout these activities to help with notetaking and brainstorming.
Move to Slide 8 and explain how Career Expos are different from standard college and career fairs (e.g. focusing on careers over only bringing colleges). Move to Slide 9 and tell participants that they will be using the Career Expo Gym Setup and the Career Cluster Card Sort to format and set up a sample career expo. Mention that participants should use the Career Expo section of their Mentor Planning Document to list potential speakers that could attend their Career Expo. Once all instructions have been given, start the 6-minute timer.
Once the timer is finished, check in with your participants to see how the activity went. Ask for groups to share out how and why they designed their Career Expo. Facilitators can also ask whether participants were able to add any new speakers to their Modified Appointment Clock handout.
Move to Slide 10 to explain what a Career Café is. Explain how Cafés are meant to bridge student interest and school curriculum to real-world connections. Move to Slide 11 and explain that the Student Survey Data handout is sample data taken from the K20 Center’s Career Cluster Survey. Participants will work with their group to analyze the sample data given and create a list of up to five career professionals who could come to their school to participate in a Career Café. Inform participants to use their Mentor Planning Document to record these speakers for future reference. Once all instructions have been given, start the 6-minute timer.
Once the timer is finished, check in with your participants to see how the activity went. Ask for groups to share their lists of potential Career Café speakers. Ask if the activity caused participants to list speakers they had not previously thought about. Facilitators can also ask if participants were able to add any new speakers to their Modified Appointment Clock handout.
Move to Slide 12 and explain what a College2Career Forum is and its difference from a regular site visit. Facilitators should mention that College2Career Forums are meant to be highly interactive career exploration events for students interested in learning more about a career after a degree or certificate granting program.
Move to Slide 13 and explain that participants will now take at least one speaker from the Career Café activity and outline actionable items needed to visit their place of business or PSI program for a College2Career Forum. Participants will use the College2Career Forum section of their Mentoring Action Plan document to list where they are going, when they would like to visit this location, and the logistics needed to take students off campus. Lastly, the participants should explain why they chose this location for a forum and their expected learning outcomes of the event. Once all instructions have been given, start the 6-minute timer.
Once the timer is finished, check in with your participants to see how the activity went. Ask for groups to share their potential College2Career Forum location and why they would like to visit that location. Ask if the activity caused participants to think about site visits that they had not previously thought about.
Move to Slide 14 and have participants share their experiences with the activities. Ask if they were able to fill out any more lines on their Modified Appointment Clock handout and whether they are still missing some. After this discussion, ask the groups if they have facilitated or participated in a GEAR UP career exploration event in the past, and if so, how did it go? Allow time for group discussion about events so that other participants can gain knowledge about past experiences and how they might be able to take that information and use it in their own setting. Lastly, share the Mentoring Career Exploration Resources LEARN collection with the participants and explain how they can use these resources to plan their own events.
Move to Slide 15 and have participants group in similar job roles or with members of their own school if the participants are a mixed group. Have groups work on their Mentoring Action Plan handout to plan a Career Expo, Career Café, and a College2Career Forum for the upcoming school year. Participants should think about the dates that they would like to host an event, the location where the event will take place, and the key stakeholders needed to complete the event. Groups can complete the handout individually or together.
Move to Slide 16 and explain the Gallery Walk poster papers around the room. Instruct participants to each take 3 green and 3 orange Sticky Notes. Individuals should write their name and school on the sticky side so that facilitators can refer to who wrote on the Sticky Note. Participants should use the green Sticky Notes to write an action item they plan to do and use the orange Sticky Note to write a barrier they anticipate when planning the career exploration event. Once participants have written their notes, they can walk around to the posters and place the green Sticky Notes on the top half of the poster paper and the orange Sticky Notes on the bottom half. Facilitators will use the Sticky Notes to better support schools in their planning and facilitation process.
Follow-Up Activities
After showcasing the career exploration programs, visit the Career Exploration LEARN collection to view more information about each program. For those interested in College2Career Forums, visit the College2Career Forum LEARN collection for site-specific information about different types of site-based visits.
Unhide Slide 17 if you wish to share Career Exploration Resources.
K20 Center. (2020). Appointment Clock. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). 3-minute timer.
K20 Center. (2020). Gallery Walk/Carousel. Strategies.