Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Lord of the Flies Unit, Lesson 5

Big Scary Animal

Margaret Salesky, Brandy Hackett, Lindsey Link | Published: August 12th, 2022 by K20 Center

  • Grade Level Grade Level 9th
  • Subject Subject English/Language Arts
  • Course Course British Literature, Composition


In this fifth lesson of the "Lord of the Flies" unit, students analyze the word choice the author uses to show characters' thoughts and actions and to compare the evolution of characters in the story to outside characters. Students begin the lesson by comparing words used in an article about Oklahoma's famous Sasquatch and words used in the novel to describe the Beast, determining underlining feelings and emotions within the story. Next, using Dr. Sheldon Cooper from the popular hit television show, Big Bang Theory, students practice analyzing a character's evolution in a storyline. Finally, students compare Sheldon’s evolution to the boys' post-hunting evolution.

Essential Question(s)

How does the author use symbolism to develop characterization and theme?



Students read an article and watch a clip about Sasquatch in Oklahoma.


Students participate in a card sort, differentiating between Sasquatch and the beast.


Students reread a section of the book and highlight certain aspects that demonstrate underlying feelings and the actions of the boys.


Students watch the evolutions of Sheldon Cooper and his fear of birds and storyboard their own example of character evolution.


Students write a short comparison thinking about how the boys have changed post-hunting.


  • Lesson Slides (attached)

  • Sasquatch/Beast Card Sort (attached; one per student)

  • Chapter 6 Excerpt (attached; one per student)

  • Storyboarding handout (attached; one per student)

  • Sasquatch/Beat Card Sort Answers (attached)

  • "Oklahoma State Lawmaker Files Bill Calling for Bigfoot Hunting Season" article from The Hill (linked; one per student)

  • Pens/pencils

  • Highlighters (two colors)


Show slide 2 from the attached Lesson Slides. Explain to students that they are continuing the "Lord of the Flies" unit.

Show slides 3 and 4. Review the unit’s essential question and the lesson’s objectives.

Show slide 5. Play the video: 22 Cryptids Explained.

After students have finished watching, distribute the linked article "Oklahoma State Lawmaker Files Bill Calling for Bigfoot Hunting Season."

Display slide 6. As they read, remind them of the prompt questions: Are Sasquatch scary? Why do Okies want to hunt them?


Distribute the attached Card Sort Cards to groups of two and have them divide the cards into two categories: One that describes the Beast from Lord of the Flies and one that describes Sasquatch.

Remind students to think about the qualities of the Beast and those of Sasquatch, based on the descriptions they have read in the book, the article, and heard in the Cryptids video.


Distribute the attached Excerpt-Chapter 6 handout.

Display slide 8. Instruct students to use the instructional strategy, Categorical Highlighting. Have students highlight sentences where the author shares the underlying feelings of the boys in one color and the actions the boys displayed in another color.


Display slide 9. Show the students the video clip of Sheldon and the Blue Jay’s initial interactions.

Display slide 10. Explain the Storyboarding instructional strategy to students. Before moving to slide 11, ask students to describe the key events that take place in the clip.

Display slide 11. Share the example storyboard for the Big Bang Theory clip. Each event will appear when you advance the video slide forward.

Inform students that this experience was not the end of Sheldon’s journey with the bird.

Display slide 12. Show the evolution of Sheldon and the Blue Jay’s relationship.

Display slide 13. Before adding events to the storyboard, ask the students to describe the key events that took place in the clip, advancing one event at a time in the slide.

Display slide 14. Show the students the final clip of the evolution of Sheldon’s relationship with Lovey Dovey.

Display slide 15. Before adding events to the storyboard, ask the students to describe the key events that took place in the clip, advancing one event at a time in the slide.

Display slide 16. Ask the students to think critically about generating an example of their own. Read the questions on the slide. Give the students time to process and generate an idea with an Elbow Partner. Ask for volunteers to share out in a whole group.


Distribute the attached Storyboarding handout. Display slide 17. Instruct the students to take time to compare Sheldon’s evolution to the boy’s post-hunting evolution. Ask students to think critically about the boys in Lord of the Flies from the beginning of the novel through Chapter 6. Have them discuss the changes they identify. Display slide 18 and guide them as they develop their storyboards.