Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Mapping My Little Piece of the World

Creating and Using a Physical Map

Rachel Brown, Patricia Turner | Published: June 13th, 2022 by Oklahoma Young Scholars/Javits

  • Grade Level Grade Level 1st
  • Subject Subject Social Studies
  • Course Course
  • Time Frame Time Frame 90 minutes
  • Duration More 2-3 periods


Students will be able to recognize parts of a physical map and create 3D physical maps of their neighborhoods.

Essential Question(s)

Why are maps important to our everyday life? Why is it important to be able to create a map of your neighborhood? How could parts of a physical map be useful when creating a map of your neighborhood?



In groups of two, students look at and discuss the map-related items in the teacher's "Jackdaw Bag."


Students explore physical and political maps using the Kiddle search engine or the PebbleGo social studies app on their tablets.


Students share what they discover from their explorations. Using the World Atlas webpage, students learn some of the vocabulary and key characteristics of physical and political maps.


Students create a 3D physical map of their neighborhood streets.


Students participate in a Gallery Walk to present their map projects. You will assess students' works using a rubric.


  • Lesson Slides (optional; attached)

  • 3D Physical Map Rubric (attached)

  • Map Vocabulary Sheet (attached; one per student pair; printed)

  • A "Jackdaw Bag" (tote bag) of miscellaneous maps and other tools such as a compass, a phone with a map app, papers with written directions, etc.

  • Student tablets with the PebbleGo social studies app or Kiddle search engine

  • Papers for sketching

  • A shoebox lid or heavy-duty cardboard for each student (parent note sent out prior to lesson to collect one lid from each student)

  • "Bits and Pieces" to make physical maps, which includes items like ribbons, fabric scraps, construction papers, old Monopoly game pieces, beads, pipe cleaners, bits of greeneries, small rocks, blue tissue papers, plastic wraps, etc. These items can be pre-bagged into manageable collections to distribute easily to students.

  • Glue, scissors, and markers for each student

  • Labels (for advanced learners)


10 Minute(s)

You may use the attached Lesson Slides to guide the lesson.

Display slide 4, and present to the class the "Jackdaw Bag" filled with the miscellaneous map items. Ask students to look at each item carefully. You can also use the digital images of the items on slide 5.

Have students discuss with their Elbow Partners:

  • What does each of these items have in common?

  • What do you already know about these items and their functions?


10 Minute(s)

Divide students into pairs.

Let students know that they will learn about two different kinds of maps in this activity: political and physical maps. Have them use their tablets to access the PebbleGo social studies app or the Kiddle search engine to explore political and physical maps. Ask them to think about similarities and differences between the two kinds of maps.

To guide students in their explorations, post the attached Map Vocabulary Sheet on the classroom board or word wall chart for students to refer to.

After 5-10 minutes of exploration, bring the class back together. Have each group share their findings from comparing the two maps.

Before ending the discussion, ask students if they have any question about the two maps.


10 Minute(s)

Make sure students understand the following:

  • Physical maps focus on physical features such as bodies of water, mountains, etc.

  • Political maps focus on border lines and major cities.

Use the World Atlas website to show examples and to answer student questions.

Display slide 7, then ask students:

  • If you wanted to make a map of your neighborhood, which type of map would be the most suitable?

  • How could the parts of a physical map be useful if you wanted to create a map of your neighborhood?

  • What would you need to know to make a physical map of your neighborhood?

Use the World Atlas website to show examples of physical and political maps and to answer student questions.

Allow time for class discussion, then have students share their responses.


35 Minute(s)

Before beginning this part of the lesson, you may refer to slides 8–9 to do a quick review of the difference between 2D and 3D objects.

Then, tell students that they will do a project called "My Little Piece of the World." For this project, let them know that each of them will create a 3D physical map of their neighborhood. Display slide 10, then ask students to think about their homes and the land features around them. Afterwards, ask students to begin their map creations by sketching items they might include in their maps.

Give students time to sketch pictures of their homes, yards, and its immediate surrounding areas. Then, as you walk around and look at each student's sketch, give students feedback about land features they can include.

Let students know that each of them will use a shoebox lid as the foundation of their 3D physical map. Ask students to make sure that they include the immediate surrounding areas around their homes. Let students know that they may use any of the provided "Bits and Pieces" to create their maps. Instruct them to use their sketches to guide them in placing the land features of their maps.

Display slide 11 and inform students that their maps need to be as realistic as possible and adhere to the rubric guidelines.


20 Minute(s)

Have students present their 3D physical maps using a Gallery Walk strategy. To set up the Gallery Walk, have students place their maps on their desks and have them walk around the room to observe other students' work—similar to an art gallery walk.

After the Gallery Walk, divide students into groups of four, and have each member talk about the land features in their 3D physical maps to the other group members.

Assess students' work using the attached 3D Physical Map Rubric.

Opportunities for Advanced Learners

Advanced learners can use label makers or stickers to create word labels for their land features. They may also write a short description of the land features surrounding their home. Some students may be more interested in writing out directions to their home using the land features as key points.


Capstone. (n.d.). Social Studies | PebbleGo by Capstone. PebbleGo.

K20 Center. (n.d.). Elbow Partners. Strategies.

K20 Center. (n.d.). Gallery Walk / Carousel. Strategies.

Kiddle. (2022). Kiddle - visual search engine for kids. Kiddle.

Misachi, J. (2021). Political And Physical Map. World Atlas.