Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

What's the Point?

Main Idea and Details

Maria Montano, Patricia Turner

  • Grade Level Grade Level 2nd
  • Subject Subject English/Language Arts
  • Course Course
  • Time Frame Time Frame 140


This lesson engages students in the concept of Main Idea and Details. Students will gain experience identifying main idea and details in writing pieces. Students will participate in hands-on activities that will allow them to master the concept.

Essential Question(s)

What is this story mainly about? What details support your answer?


Engage- Students will analyze a picture provided by the teacher and write down their thinking or what they notice about it.

Explore- Students will listen to the teacher read aloud “The Dot” book by Peter H. Reynolds as the students record their comprehension using the Storyboarding Strategy.

Explain- Students will complete a Main Idea and Details graphic organizer about the book, The Dot. Using the Elbow Partner strategy, students will discuss their thinking with their elbow partners.

Extend- Students will work in groups to create a Main Idea and Details anchor chart about the story they have been analyzing.

Evaluate- Students will write down on a ticket out the door about what they have learned or their thoughts about Main Idea and Details.


  • "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds Book

  • SeeSaw account

  • white paper

  • Epic account

  • Main Idea and Details Laminated Charts

  • "Officer Buckle and Gloria" by Peggy Rathmann Book

  • Writing paper or journal


15 Minute(s)

Teacher displays a picture of the front cover of the book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds.  Using the “I Think, We Think” strategy, have students write down what they think the book will be about.  Then, using the “Elbow Partner strategy”, students share their thinking with their elbow partner.


25 Minute(s)

Teacher reads “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds aloud to the students.  Students listen carefully as the teacher reads aloud so they can record their book comprhension using the “Storyboarding” strategy.  Students create SeeSaw slides displaying the different events that took place in the story. They may use all the tools provided by SeeSaw to create their slides. If they do not have a SeeSaw account, have them depict the events on white print paper.

Mini Practice: Students can go into EPIC and reread the book independently.  Then, they can go back to their storyboard on SeeSaw and add details as needed.


25 Minute(s)


35 Minute(s)


10 Minute(s)

Using the Ticket-Out the Door strategy, have students write down what they have learned about the Main idea and Details.

Some of the sentence frames the teacher could use to help promote their writing might be:

  • I think Main Idea is _________.

  • Main Idea is _______________.

  • Details are ________________.


Differentiation for Gifted Learners

25 Minute(s)