Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Mastering the Art of Apostrophes


Margaret Salesky, Lindsey Link | Published: June 5th, 2024 by K20 Center

  • Grade Level Grade Level 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
  • Subject Subject English/Language Arts
  • Course Course
  • Time Frame Time Frame 75-100
  • Duration More 2 class periods


Julia Child helped us Master the Art of French Cooking. In this lesson, you will help your students master the art of apostrophes! Your students will start by analyzing the incorrect apostrophes in comics and everyday signage before moving on to a card matching activity that enables them to explore the rules for using apostrophes and pairs them with exemplar sentences. Then in a collaborative effort, they will revise paragraphs to ensure apostrophes are used appropriately. Next, your students will compare cooking and grammar after watching an ICAP video with a chef. And, finally, they will take a moment to “critique the bot,” analyzing an article written with the aid of AI, to determine if the “bot” really can write effectively using apostrophes.

Essential Question(s)

How are apostrophes used correctly in sentences?



Students will find the misuse of apostrophes in cartoons. 


Students will complete a Card Matching activity where they match an apostrophe rule to an example sentence.


Students will collaborate in a Pass the Problem activity to revise a paragraph that has apostrophe errors.


Students will compare the intricacies of cooking and grammar after watching an ICAP video featuring a chef. 


Students will critique the bot, analyzing an article written with the aid of AI, to determine if the “bot” really can write effectively using apostrophes.


  • Lesson Slides - Mastering the Art of Apostrophes (attached)

  • Card Matching - Mastering the Art of Apostrophes (attached; one per pair of students)

  • Pass the Problem - Mastering the Art of Apostrophes (attached; one per group of three students)

  • Tantalizing Tales: Culinary Titans’ Savory Success Stories - Mastering the Art of Apostrophes (attached; one per student)

  • Highlighters or Colored Pens (four colors; one per student in each group for Pass the Problem)

  • Note cards (one per student)

  • Wifi

  • Projector

  • Pen/Pencil


10 Minute(s)

Use the attached Lesson Slides to introduce the lesson to your students. Display slides 3–4 and review the essential question and the learning objectives to the extent you feel necessary.

Slides 5-12 show cartoons with various apostrophe errors. Display them one at a time and have students chat with an Elbow Partner about what they believe is the error before calling on volunteers to share out.


30 Minute(s)

Next, display slide 13.  Share the instructional strategy, Card Matching, with your students and divide them into groups of two or three. Pass out the cards in the attached Card Matching handout and instruct them to match each of the apostrophe rules with the example that exemplifies the rule. As students work on matching their cards, circulate throughout the room and ask different students why they matched certain cards together. Not only will students be talking about their thinking within their group, but now also with you. Be sure to listen carefully to students’ justifications for their match. Students may select the right match, but their reasoning may be faulty.

Once your students have come to a point where they have completed matching all of the rules with examples, use slides 14-28 to review their matches.


20 Minute(s)

Display slide 29. Share the instructional strategy Pass the Problem with your students and divide your class into groups of three. Ensure that each student gets a different colored pen or marker as well as a paragraph from the attached Pass the Problem handout. Show slide 30 and instruct your students to make as many corrections to their paragraph from the handout as they can in a minute. When the time is up, move to slide 31 and have your students pass their paragraph to the next person in their group. Have them review the paragraph and the revisions made by the last student. When the time starts, they will have one minute to continue adding corrections. Continue in this manner until the students receive their original paragraph. 

Move to slides 32-40 and go over the paragraphs as a whole class.


15 Minute(s)

Display slide 41. Explain to students that they’ll be watching an interview with a restaurant owner/chef. As students watch, they should take notes on necessary skills, interesting facts, and things that stick out to them. 

After watching the video, introduce the strategy Synectics to the students. Share the example on the slide 42. Ask students to share general synectics statements to practice. Move to slide 43 and pass out a blank note card. Ask the students to generate three synectics statements comparing cooking and grammar or cooking and apostrophes.


10 Minute(s)

Move to slide 44 and share the instructional strategy Critique the Bot with your students. Pass out the attached Tantalizing Tales: Culinary Titans' Savory Success Stories and inform your students that this was written by AI. Have them spend some time reading the article and highlighting the use of apostrophes in the essay. Ask them to reflect on the overall paper, grade it, and provide a justification for the grade.


K20 Center. (n.d.). Card matching. Strategies. 

K20 Center. (n.d.). Critique the bot. Strategies. 

K20 Center. (n.d.). Elbow partners. Strategies. 

K20 Center. (n.d.). Magicschool ai. Tech Tool. 

K20 Center. (n.d.). Pass the problem. Strategies. 

K20 Center. (n.d.). Synectics. Strategies.