Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Jurassic Art


Jacqueline Harmon, Margaret Salesky, Erin Finley | Published: October 23rd, 2024 by K20 Center

  • Grade Level Grade Level 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
  • Subject Subject Visual Arts
  • Course Course Visual Arts
  • Time Frame Time Frame 380 Minutes
  • Duration More 8 Class Periods


Do we really know what dinosaurs looked like? In this lesson, students learn about different dinosaurs and discuss society’s interpretation of their behavior and appearance based on the little evidence we have. Then, they will sketch different dinosaurs, using small models as a guide. Students will then research a specific dinosaur and, using the evidence they find, come to their own conclusion on their chosen dinosaur’s appearance and create a sculpture of a baby and its egg. They will create an infographic of the research and sketches they did. Both the sculpture and infographic will be displayed in an art show.

Essential Question(s)

How do we make visual conclusions based on the evidence presented?



Students participate in a S-I-T activity using images of animal skeletons.


Students watch a video about dinosaur reconstruction and sketch their own interpretations of dinosaurs based on dinosaur models.


Students research a dinosaur, complete a CER, and create an infographic based on their research.


Students sketch and sculpt a baby dinosaur and egg based on their research.


Students participate in a Gallery Walk and reflect on the lesson using Rose, Bud, and Thorn.


  • Lesson Slides (attached)

  • Research Note Catcher (attached; one per student)

  • CER handout (attached; one per student)

  • Dinosaur Infographic Rubric (attached; one per student)

  • Dinosaur Sculpture Rubric (attached; one per student)

  • Internet capable devices for students

  • Class set of dinosaur models/toys

  • Sketching materials

  • Clay

  • Clay tools

  • Paint

  • Paintbrushes


20 Minute(s)

Use the attached Lesson Slides to guide the lesson. Use slide 1 to introduce the lesson. Move to slides 2 and 3 and go over the essential question and lesson objectives.

Display slide 4 and introduce the S-I-T (Surprising, Interesting, Troubling) instructional strategy.  Instruct students to analyze the picture on each slide, then try to guess what animal or creature it is. Then, guide them through the S-I-T process for each picture. Move through slides 5-14, giving students a few minutes on each slide to make their guess and discuss as a class.


45 Minute(s)

Display slide 15. Instruct students to watch the video “How Scientists Solved this Dinosaur Puzzle”  and be ready to discuss it after. Play the video on the slide.

When the video ends, move to slide 17 and take a few minutes to discuss the questions with students.

Transition to slide 18 and distribute sketching materials and dinosaur models to students. Instruct students to choose a model to sketch, making sure they follow the guidelines on the slide.


135 Minute(s)

Distribute the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) handout (attached) and instruct students to set up their internet capable device.

Before starting the CER activity, direct students to choose a dinosaur to focus their research on. Use the list on slide 19, or create your own. Allow students 5-10 minutes to look up each dinosaur and make their choice.

Move to slide 20 and introduce students to the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning instructional strategy. Present the research question to students:

"How do paleontologists and paleoartists determine what a dinosaur looked like?"

Once they have chosen a dinosaur to focus their CER on, direct students to create their claim (answer) to the question and record it on the handout provided.  Then, ask them to conduct their own research to provide evidence in support of their claim and record that on the handout as well. Finally, ask students to write down their reasoning (conclusion) and present their evidence to support their answer. Allow students 1-2 class periods to conduct their research.

Distribute the Dinosaur Infographic Rubric (attached). 

Display slide 21 and instruct students to navigate to and either log in or sign up for a free account. Instruct them to choose a template for their infographic using the search feature at the top of the page. Once they have chosen a template, direct students to use their rubric as a guide to create their infographic about their chosen dinosaur. Encourage students to be creative by using the graphic elements available to them in Canva. For further Canva instruction, see the Canva Tech Tool Card. When students have finished their work in Canva, have them submit their infographic. This can be done by asking students to print their infographic after downloading a PDF of it from Canva or by submitting their work via LMS.


135 Minute(s)

Distribute the Graphic Organizer handout (attached) and display slide 22. Direct students to use their gathered research to fill out their graphic organizer by sketching each perspective and part of their chosen dinosaur. Remind students that their sketches will be displayed with their infographic, so it should be their best work. Allow one class period for students to complete their graphic organizer.

When students have completed their graphic organizers, distribute the Dinosaur Sculpture Rubric (attached) along with clay and sculpting tools. 

Move to slide 23. Tell students they will be sculpting a baby version of their chosen dinosaur along with the egg it hatched from.  Direct them to use their gathered research, graphic organizer, and the Dinosaur Sculpture Rubric to help guide their work. Allow as much time as students need to complete the sculpting and painting or glazing process. 


45 Minute(s)

Display slide 24. Instruct students to set up their sculpture, infographic, and sketches in a display at their desk or table. Introduce students to the Gallery Walk instructional strategy and group or pair them before beginning the activity. Tell students to walk around and view their classmates’ work. Encourage them to take time to discuss each display with their partner or group. When students have completed the Gallery Walk, have them return to their seats.

Distribute notebook paper and pencils to students and display slide 25. Introduce students to the Rose, Bud, and Thorn instructional strategy. Direct students to answer the questions on the slide. When students have finished, ask for volunteers to share their answers.
