In this lesson, students will explore the culture of the Osage tribe and their ribbonwork. Students will apply what they have learned about math and indigenous cultures to create their own ribbonwork design and demonstrate their understanding of reflections. Prerequisite knowledge for this lesson includes the following vocabulary: transformation, preimage, and image.
Essential Question(s)
How are reflections and symbolism used within indigenous cultures?
Students watch a video about the tradition of Osage ribbonwork.
Students make observations about and discover patterns of reflections over the axes.
Students complete guided notes with the class and formalize their understanding of reflections.
Students watch a video about a fashion designer, then apply what they have learned to create their own ribbonwork design.
Students demonstrate their understanding by reflecting a point over an axis.
Lesson Slides (attached)
Transformation Vocabulary handout (attached; one per student; print one-sided; optional)
Exploring Ribbonwork (Part A) handout (attached; one per student; print one-sided)
Exploring Ribbonwork (Part B) handout (attached; one per student; print two-sided)
Guided Notes handout (attached; one per student; print two-sided)
Guided Notes (Model Notes) document (attached)
Notecatcher handout (attached; one per student; print one-sided)
Perfecting Patterns handout (attached; one per student; print one-sided)
Over the Line handout (attached; one quarter page per student; print one-sided)
Coloring utensils (colored pencils, markers, etc.; at least four per student)
Graph paper
Patty paper or equivalent (1–2 per student; optional)
Plastic reflective devices such as GeoMirror, Mira, etc. (one per student; optional)
Student devices
Materials for sewing activity (optional)
Sewing machine
Sewing machine supplies: bobbins, sewing machine needles, thread, sewing pins, seam/hem gauge, seam ripper, etc.
At the end of the Explore phase of this lesson, students will use a Desmos Classroom activity to check their work and observe animated reflections over each axis.
To prepare for this Desmos Classroom activity, go to Desmos Classroom: Symmetric Designs. Create an account or sign in under the “Activity Sessions'' heading. Select the “Assign” dropdown button, then select “Single Session Code.” Adjust the settings as desired, then select “Create Invitation Code.” Prepare this session invitation code to distribute to students during the lesson. For more information about previewing and assigning a Desmos Classroom activity, go to External Apps Tutorials: Desmos Classroom.
For more detailed information about Desmos features and how-to tips, go to External Apps Tutorials: Desmos Resources.
15 Minute(s)
Introduce the lesson using the attached Lesson Slides. Display the lesson’s essential question on slide 3, and then move to slide 4 to identify the lesson’s learning objectives. Review each of these with your class to the extent you feel necessary.
Display slide 5 and let students know that they are about to watch a video of Dana Daylight sharing her knowledge of her tribe and how she uses reflections in her Osage ribbonwork creations. Introduce the I Notice, I Wonder strategy to the class. Explain that after watching the video, they will be asked to share something they noticed and something they wonder.
Show slide 6 and play the Osage Ribbonwork and Reflections video on the slide.
Transition to slide 7. As time allows, ask for volunteers to share what they noticed and/or wonder.
25 Minute(s)
Show slide 8 and pass out a copy of the attached Exploring Ribbonwork (Part A) handout to each student. Share with students that during this activity, they will be working with an arrow pattern from Osage ribbonwork.
Have students work individually to complete the pattern in Quadrant III, then ask them to answer the following prompts on the handout:
How did you complete the pattern?
Describe how the preimage transformed into image 2.
Describe how the preimage transformed into image 4.
Have students find partners or put students into pairs yourself. Direct them to compare their work and responses. If time allows, ask for a few volunteers to share with the whole class.
Transition to slide 9 and distribute a copy of the attached Exploring Ribbonwork (Part B) handout to each student. Direct their attention to the Reflect Over the y-Axis section at the top of the page. Let students know that they still need their Part A handout available to use as reference. Instruct pairs to complete the table and answer the following questions:
Does the description of your pattern hold true when image 4 is reflected over the y-axis to get image 3?
Does the description of your pattern hold true when image 2 is reflected over the x-axis to get image 3?
Here, students should be looking for patterns to describe a reflection over the y-axis. If time allows, ask for a few volunteers to share their responses with the whole class.
Direct their attention to the Reflect Over the x-Axis section back of the page. Instruct pairs to complete the table and answer the following questions:
Does your description apply to the other pair of reflections over the x-axis?
What else do you think we could reflect a figure over?
Here, students should be looking for patterns to describe a reflection over the x-axis and considering reflections over something other than an axis. If time allows, ask for a few volunteers to share their responses with the whole class.
Provide students with the session invitation code you prepared. Have students go to to enter the session code.
Direct students’ attention to screen 1 of the Desmos Classroom activity. Have students check their work by entering the coordinates for the vertices of image 2. Remind them that these are the ordered pairs recorded on the front side of their Part B handout. After completing the table, a “Reflect” button will appear. (If students do not enter something into each row of the table, the button will not appear.) Instruct students to select the “Reflect” button and watch the animated reflection to check their work.
Have students navigate to screen 2 by selecting “Next” in the top-right corner of their screen. Have students either use the graph from their Part A handout or their second table from their Part B handout to enter the coordinates of the vertices of image 4. Here students also check their work by selecting the “Reflect” button that appears once they have completed the table.
20 Minute(s)
Display slide 10 and pass out a copy of the attached Guided Notes handout to each student.
Introduce the vocabulary word reflection to the class. Guide them to write this vocabulary word on their handout. Then ask for a few volunteers to share examples of where they see reflections in the real world.
Go through the algebraic rules for reflections over the x-axis and the y-axis. Have students use the pictures on their Guided Notes as well as their work from the Explore portion of the lesson to develop these rules.
Direct students’ attention to the back of their handout and complete the first example as a class. Ask guiding questions to have students explain how to interpret the given algebraic rule and reflect the preimage over the y-axis. Use the graphs on slide 11 as needed. Then have students try to independently complete the second example.
As students work through the second example, circulate the room to monitor progress. Then bring the class back together and display slide 12. Ask for a volunteer to share how they completed this example. This is the time in the lesson to correct any misunderstandings and directly answer questions. Use the attached Guided Notes (Model Notes) document as needed.
Have students add their completed Guided Notes to their math notebooks if that is a classroom norm.
35 Minute(s)
Now it is time for students to see how they could use their knowledge of reflections in a career.
Give each student a copy of the attached Notecatcher handout and display slide 13. Explain to students that each quadrant has a different prompt within the given image. Direct students to use the empty space beside the image to write each response as they watch an interview with Leslie Deer.
Quadrant I: What did you find interesting?
Quadrant II: What does Leslie Deer do for a living?
Quadrant III: How does this information relate to you?
Quadrant IV: What question(s) do you have?
Show slide 14 and play for students the Apparel Designing and Culture video on the slide. This video is an interview with Leslie Deer, who shares her knowledge of her tribe and how her culture influences her work in her career as a fashion designer.
Show slide 15 and give each student a copy of the attached Perfecting Patterns handout. Instruct students to get into groups of 3–4 or assign groups. Then share with the class the Pass the Problem strategy.
Direct students to follow the directions for “Student A.” Acting as Student A, each student should write their name at the top of the upper-left box. Instruct everyone to think about the ribbonwork designs that they have learned about and then create their own polygon design (preimage) in Quadrant II. For the sake of time, recommend that students create a preimage using five vertices at most. The more complex the design, the more time this activity will take. As needed, reference the image on the slide—which has more than five vertices—to explain this.
Move to slide 16 and have everyone pass their paper to the person on their right within their group. With their groupmate’s paper, have students now act as Student B. Each student should write their name at the top of the upper-right box. Direct everyone to label the vertices of Student A’s design. Remind students that the letters should go in alphabetical order but can go clockwise or counterclockwise.
Direct the class to use the space in their handout to create a table of the corresponding points if the preimage was reflected over the x-axis. In other words, students should use what they have learned during this lesson to write the new ordered pairs for the corresponding vertices of the image without drawing the reflection.
Move to slide 17 and have everyone pass their paper to the person on their right within their group. Have students now act as Student C and to write their name at the top of the lower-left box. Direct everyone to check Student B’s table. Allow time for students to check, talk through, and correct any mistakes.
Direct the class to use the space in their handout to create a table of the corresponding points if the preimage (from Student A) was reflected over the y-axis. In other words, students should use what they have learned during this lesson to write the new ordered pairs for the corresponding vertices of the image without drawing the reflection.
Show slide 18 and have everyone pass their paper back to Student A. Give each student a piece of graph paper.
Instruct everyone to copy their preimage to their graph paper and then plot the points from Student B’s table and Student C’s table. Once students have done so, have them work together to adjust any points that need to be corrected.
Display slide 19 and direct students to complete the ribbonwork design by completing the pattern in Quadrant IV.
Have students use four colors to color their design. Remind the class to use contrasting light and dark colors like the Osage tribe does. Consider giving students the challenge of using more than four colors while keeping the symmetry.
5 Minute(s)
Display slide 20 and use the Exit Ticket strategy to individually assess what students have learned from the lesson. Give each student either a quarter sheet of the attached Over the Line handout or a sticky note, an index card, etc. for them to write their response. Reference the hidden slide 21 as a sample response.
Collect student responses and use them to determine if your students need additional practice or are ready for the next lesson. If students need additional practice, consider having them practice with more basic shapes like reflecting triangles or simply individual points over each axis.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Bell ringers and exit tickets. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Desmos classroom. Tech Tools.
K20 Center. (n.d.). I notice, I wonder. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Pass the problem. Strategies.
K20 Center. (2023, July 5). K20 ICAP - Apparel designing and culture [Video]. YouTube.
K20 Center. (2023, July 5). Osage ribbonwork and reflections [Video]. YouTube.