Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Transcendent Classrooms: Increasing Student Achievement with Technology

Carolyn Raynor


"Now, more than ever, we need a Moonshot in education: A pedagogical breakthrough so extraordinary that student learning and achievement are exponentially boosted in such a way that assures our students are fully prepared for the VUCA [Volatile, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity] future" (Magana, 2019). This T3 framework session focuses on providing teachers with next gen pedagogy to inform meaningful tech integration that increases student achievement. Participants will identify their own tech bias and use the T3 framework to evaluate technology effects on student achievement.

Essential Questions

Learning Goals

  • Participants will be able to Identify their own tech biases.

  • Participants will be able to evaluate the impact of levels of T3 on student achievement by:

    1. Recognizing the three Ts.

    2. Researching literature on how T3 impacts student achievement.

Materials List


15 Minute(s)

Use the attached Transcendent Classroom Presenter Slides to follow along with the lesson. Begin with slide 2. Read aloud the Tech Bias questions slowly, allowing time in between each question for participants to think of their response.

Then display slide 9. Then say, If you found yourself agreeing more with the odd-numbered statements, you may subconsciously have a value-negative view of technology, meaning you don’t see technology tools bringing anything new to education. However, if you found yourself agreeing more with the even-numbered statements, you may have a value-positive view of technology. This means you find technology tools to have a positive impact on education. Dr. Magana states educational technology tools should be characterized as value-neutral. The value of the tool is manifested by the way in which it supports or enhances effective instructional practices.


15 Minute(s)

Display the image on slide 10 for participants to use the Magnetic Statements strategy. This strategy helps uncover thinking and beliefs about a topic. Ask participants the question, “How does using technology have you feeling right now?” Then participants will respond with the appropriate reaction on the Zoom call.

On slide 11, review the session objectives. And on slide 12, read the quote from Dr. Sonny Magana.

Display slide 13. Have participants create a T-chart on a piece of paper, sticky note, or a digital note. Label the left side, “I Used to Think.” Then have participants write down everything they think about integrating technology into the classroom.


20 Minute(s)

Display slide 14. Explain to the participants they are about to participate in a digital breakout. The purpose of the breakout is to expose them to new content about the T3 framework.

Share your screen and display the digital break out site -

Click on the first image to show participants how to find the activities embedded within the webpage. Then complete the first lock, or question, on the Google Form to model how to unlock each lock. Also show typing in the wrong answer to show how it will display a clue or hint if the answer is not correct.

Give participants about 7-10 minutes to complete the activity.


15 Minute(s)

Begin by displaying slide 16. Read the scenario and give participants time to think about their responses. Then have participants share their responses in the chat box.

Repeat the process with slides 17 and 18.


10 Minute(s)

Display slide 19 and ask participants to pull out the paper or digital note from earlier where they wrote their thoughts on integrating technology.

Now have participants label the right column, “But Now I Know.” Then have them write their new ideas about integrating technology into the classroom.

Ask participants to share those thoughts in the chat, unmute on Zoom or aloud in the classroom.


5 Minute(s)

To wrap up the sessions have participants complete the Two Stars and a Wish strategy.

Research Rationale

  • Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London: Routledge.

  • Magana, S. (2017). Disruptive classroom technologies: A framework for innovation in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
