Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Debate Team Carousel

Kristen Sublett | Published: September 16th, 2020 by K20 Center


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Debate Team Carousel

Students debate a position from various viewpoints as prompted. This strategy allows students to see various aspects of an issue and consider what the opposing and supporting arguments for a position might be.

Debate Team Carousel


This strategy allows students to see various aspects of an issue and consider what the opposing and supporting arguments for a position might be. Students debate a position from various viewpoints as prompted on a graphic organizer.


  1. Create a prompt that requires students to use their judgement and the content presented to take a position.

  2. Pass out a carousel graphic organizer to each student. Ask them to record their judgment and a rationale for what they believe in the first box.

  3. Students pass their papers to the right, read, and add rationale that supports their peer's judgment, even if they don't agree.

  4. Students pass their papers to the right again, read what is in both of their peers' boxes, and add an opposing rationale, whether they agree or not.

  5. Students pass their papers to the right a final time and add their own opinion, supporting it with their rationale in the final box.

  6. Students return the papers back to their original owners.

  7. Ask volunteers to share with the class some of the arguments for and against from their carousel graphic organizers.

Himmele, P., & Himmele, W. (2011). Total participation techniques: Making every student an active learner. ASCD.