
Time Scramble
An efficient way to assess student learning over a variety of classroom topics in one class period. Since this is a group strategy, it allows students to review and self-assess with their peers for further understanding of complex topics.
Time Scramble
Seven student groups expand upon a provided topic within 7 minutes. When time is called, groups trade topics and are given 6 minutes to expand upon the new topic. This continues for all seven topics, and each time groups change topics, the time they are given to expand upon the topic is reduced by 1 minute.
Divide students into seven teams.
Provide each team with markers or crayons, textbooks or notes, and a large piece of butcher paper, each with different topics.
Groups expand upon the topic provided as much as possible in the allotted time, writing on the paper itself. For the first topic, groups have 7 minutes to write down as much as they can. This time is reduced by 1 minute each time groups exchange topics. If done correctly, groups should only have 1 minute to work on their seventh, and final, topic.
When time is called, groups move clockwise to the next butcher paper or they pass their topic clockwise to the next group and repeat the process
After the final round, each group will receive their original topic.
Ask groups to review the new information and identify things they originally omitted, what they most struggle to understand, and information that may be placed incorrectly. It may be helpful to take notes over this information for reteaching.