Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning


Evalyne Tracy, Sherry Franklin | Published: September 27th, 2022 by K20 Center


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Students use an image to illustrate the main idea of a lesson, concept or text, paired with a hashtag that summarizes their understanding.



Students find or create an image that illustrates the main idea of a lesson, concept(s) or text and write a hashtag that summarizes their understanding. This strategy can also be used to activate prior knowledge of a topic, connect concepts to personal experiences and authentic application, or connect concepts across content areas.


  1. Present students with a reading, concept, text, or other prompt for response.

  2. Have students research or create an image that captures their understanding of the main idea from the prompted materials.

  3. Have students write a hashtag that connects their image to the prompt and summarizes their understanding.

  4. Have students “publish” their post to the classroom page.