Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Bunches of Badges

Laura Halstied, Teresa Lansford | Published: December 7th, 2022 by K20 Center


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Bunches of Badges

This strategy is used to increase motivation in students by providing them with “badges” that reward them for engaging in content and symbolizes their achievement or mastery of a skill.

Bunches of Badges


Badges can be a low-cost token used in the classroom to motivate and reward students for learning content. Students can collect them to celebrate their accomplishments and reflect on their learning. Use badges to reward students for engaging in classroom activities or for learning new skills. While they can be printed on paper or card stock, using the sticker paper template enables students to keep their badges in one place for display.


  1.  Make a list of desirable tasks or skills that students need in order to be successful in a unit of study, project, or task. 

  2. Use the template to add the skill name and image to match the skill. 

  3.  Print on sticker paper or card stock.

  4. Determine the tasks that will be completed to earn badges. 

  5. Explain to students how to earn each badge.

  6. Create the badges based on the tasks required. 

  7. Show students the badge designs and review the skills they need to complete the unit/project task successfully.

  8. Distribute badges to students as they are earned.

Seliskar, Holli Vah. (2014). Using badges in the classroom to motivate learning. Faculty Focus.