Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Aha! Huh? Uh uh.

Shayna Pond | Published: December 13th, 2024 by K20 Center


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Aha! Huh? Uh uh.

This strategy guides students to reflect on an experience or reading by identifying key takeaways, points of confusion, and areas of disagreement or discomfort.

Aha! Huh? Uh uh.


This reflection format creates a structured yet flexible way for students to deepen their understanding, engage in meaningful dialogue, and build critical thinking skills. For a little more interactivity and fun, use motions with each response. For “Aha!” hold up a finger in the air. For “Huh?” scratch your head. For “Uh uh,” shake your head back and forth or hold your palm out in front of you.


  1. Choose what you want students to reflect on. This might be an experience you shared as a class, an experiment, an observation of something, or a reading. There are unlimited options.

  2. Then, introduce the three categories that will frame their reflection.

    • Aha!:

      Moments of insight or clarity that stood out.

    • Huh?: Parts that were confusing or unclear.

    • Uh uh: Ideas that don’t sit well with you or aspects you disagree with or find troubling.

  3. Give students 5–10 minutes to jot down their thoughts in each category.

  4. Organize students into small groups of 3–5 and ask them to share one response from each category with their group.

  5. Then, group members will respond to each other.

    • For Aha! moments: "What made that stand out to you?"

    • For Huh? responses: "Does anyone have ideas that could clarify this?"

    • For Uh uh reactions: "Why do you think you feel that way?"

  6. Facilitate a class discussion. Go through each of the prompts one at a time. Ask a volunteer from each group to share interesting points from their group’s discussion.

    • Start with Aha! moments to highlight positive takeaways.

    • Move to Huh? responses to address common areas of confusion and if there were helpful ideas in the group that addressed these areas.

    • Conclude with Uh uh reflections to explore diverse perspectives and respectfully discuss disagreements.