
Friends Without Pens
This strategy has students discuss a prompt, problem, or question with a partner prior to formulating an individual response. This process allows them to organize and refine their thoughts through collaboration prior to answering independently.
Friends Without Pens
Students collaborate with a peer to create a response to a provided prompt, problem, or question. This process allows students the opportunity to reflect on their own thinking and develop a thought-out response without writing down any concrete answers. The strategy can be used to encourage students to consider prior knowledge or share what they have already learned about a topic.
This strategy is divided into two rounds.
Round 1: Friends Without Pens
Place students into pairs. This round is timed, so prepare a timer.
Introduce the prompt, problem, or questions to students.
Have student pairs discuss the answer to the prompt, problem, or question. Ensure that students do not have writing utensils and do not record any of their thoughts.
Once time is up, have students return to their seats.
Round 2: Pens Without Friends
Have students individually record their responses to the prompt, problem, or question.
Repeat the process for each prompt, problem, or question.
Bayraktar, B. (2022, March 15). Tip: Reducing exam anxiety. Tips for Teaching Professors.