
Examples and Non-Examples
This strategy has students explore what they know about a topic or concept by generating examples of what it is and what it is not.
Examples and Non-Examples
A concept or term is provided for students who generate examples of what the concept or term is and examples of what the concept or term is not (non-examples). This strategy is ideal for mathematics or the sciences as it gives students a chance to explore various applications of laws, theorems, and postulates so they will be easier to recognize in the future.
Identify a concept or term for assessment.
Ask students to provide examples of what the concept or term is and examples of what the concept or term is not (non-examples).
Allow students time and space to clearly describe the rule or definition they used to create the examples and non-examples.
Keeley, P., & Tobey. C. R. (2011). Mathematics formative assessment: 75 practical strategies for linking assessment, instruction, and learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, SAGE.