
Make a Meme
Choose from a wide range of templates to create a meme, or upload an image to design your own. This tool is free and does not require an account.
Make a Meme
Creating memes is a fun and engaging way for students to demonstrate their learning. Teachers can also use memes as a lighthearted way to call attention to classroom norms, to spark curiosity about an upcoming topic, or as an emotional check-in tool. Make a Meme has several established cultural references to choose from or you can upload an image to design your own.
Go to Make a Meme.
Search for an established reference or scroll through the image thumbnails to find a template.
Select your image.
Type the text in the space provided.
Select the “Make the Meme” button.
Right click and select “Save Image As…“
Funny memes and Meme Generator. Make a Meme. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2023, from