Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning


James Doyle, Ryan Rahhal | Published: July 20th, 2022 by K20 Center


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Blooket is a free educational tool that enables teachers to gamify quizzes, homework, and other activities using a variety of game modes.



To begin, enter quiz content into Blooket. Then, select from a wide variety of video game genres and styles, including racing, tower defense, and battle royale. Blooket will generate the selected game and provide you with a code to distribute to students.


  1. Go to Blooket and sign up for a free account.

  2. Select the role of teacher.

  3. Create a set of questions by clicking the purple "Create a Set" button.

  4. Add a title and image for your quiz.

  5. Select "Create Your Set" to add questions.

  6. Click "Add Question." Enter your question text and four multiple choice answers in the colored boxes.

  7. Select the box next to the correct answer and click "Save."

  8. Repeat step 5 until you have a complete set of questions.

  9. Click "Save Set" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  10. Click the "Host" button to save the set. You will be given a list of 10 games to choose from, along with their associated parameters. (Some need a certain number of players. Some can only be homework, etc.)

  11. Click "Host" to start the game immediately or "Homework" (sometimes "HW") to assign it in your LMS.

  12. Provide students with the link and/or game ID to join.

Blooket. (n.d.).