Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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James Doyle

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Human Bingo

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 2nd - Secondary

A quick icebreaker activity where students move around the room, share conversations, and work to identify traits in others. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Whole Class

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Engage/Opening, Explore/Learning Activity

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • Less Than 10 Minutes, 10 - 20 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Infer, Physical Movement, Problem Solving, Recognize, Speak & Listen

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 2nd - Secondary
Shaping Soundscapes: ADSR in Ensemble Performance

The basics of envelopes and applying the concepts to musical performance

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 8th - 12th

In this lesson for band classes, students will discuss what “attack” and “release” mean in a musical context. Students will participate in a “30-Second Expert” activity in pairs, in which one student reads about ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, and release) envelopes on synths and the other reads about... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Shaping Soundscapes: ADSR in Ensemble Performance

The basics of envelopes and applying the concepts to musical performance

Tag Related

  • ICAP, Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 8th - 12th

Course Course

  • Band, Music

Subject Subject

  • Performing Arts, music

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • M.PR.5 , I.M.PR.5
More 2-3 Class Periods
Time Frame 80-95 Minutes
Electives Lessons with ICAP Components

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - Secondary

This collection features lessons for electives classes with integrated career components. Read more »

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - Secondary

Subject Subject

  • English/Language Arts, Performing Arts, Visual Arts

Course Course

  • Music, Visual Arts, World Language

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • 11.1.W.1, 11.5.W.3, 11.7.W.1, CP, VA.CP.1 , II.VA.CP.1.1 , II.VA.CP.1.2 , II.VA.CP.1.3 , VA.CP.2 , II.VA.CP.2.1 , VA.P.1 , VA.P.2 , I.VA.P.2.1 , CHP, VA.CHP.1 , I.VA.CHP.1.1 , I.VA.CHP.1.2 , CR, M.CR.1 , AC.M.CR.1 , M.CR.2 , AC.M.CR.2 , M.CR.3 , AC.M.CR.3 , M.CR.4 , AC.M.CR.4 , 1, 1.3
Time Frame
Detective Board

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - Secondary

This instructional strategy turns the classic corkboard and string into a tangled, three-dimensional visualization of connections across multiple topics. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Medium Group (at least 10), Whole Class

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Explore/Learning Activity, Extend/Additional Learning Activity

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • 10 - 20 Minutes, 20 - 30 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement, Analyze, Collaborate, College-Going Culture, Compare & Contrast, Critical Thinking, Reason, Speak & Listen, Synthesize

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - Secondary
Stick to the Script!

Screenwriting and other careers in the film industry

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

In this lesson, students will learn the basic formatting guidelines needed to follow for writing a script. They will also listen to a film professor talk about careers in television and movies. This is also adaptable for ELA using books that are commonly assigned. Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Stick to the Script!

Screenwriting and other careers in the film industry

Tag Related

  • Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Course Course

  • American Literature, Drama

Subject Subject

  • Performing Arts

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • 3.W, 11.3.W.1, 4, 4.W, 11.4.W.2, DT.CR.2 , II.CR.2.2
Time Frame
The Keys to Success, Part 1

The History and Technique of the Piano

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Students will participate in a shared piano experience. Following this, they will read about the history of the piano, and learn some basic piano technique. Students will use this knowledge to make a song in BandLab and then share and react to each other's songs on SoundCloud. Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
The Keys to Success, Part 1

The History and Technique of the Piano

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Course Course

  • Music

Subject Subject

  • Performing Arts, music

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • M.CR.2 , P.M.CR.2 , M.PR.5 , P.M.PR.5
More 2-3 Periods
Time Frame 105-120 Minutes

SoundCloud is a platform for sharing music tracks that you have created. Read more »

Tech Tool
Estereotipos de la Comida Hispana

Examining Stereotypes in Hispanic Cuisine

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Students will define “stereotype.” After doing so, they will share stereotypes they have regarding Hispanic food, watch a few videos that will explain or dispel those stereotypes, and come to a consensus on whether stereotypes are useful. When they have finished the discussion, they will construct a... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Estereotipos de la Comida Hispana

Examining Stereotypes in Hispanic Cuisine

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Tag Related

  • Culture, Food

Course Course

  • World Language

Subject Subject

  • Spanish

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • 1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.2
More 2-3 period
Time Frame 120 minutes
Scene Things Differently

Character Portrayal on Stage Versus Film

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

In this lesson, students explore reasons for variance in character portrayal. Students begin by watching different interpretations of the same scene and then read an article and each select a monologue to research. Students use a random generator to change the context of their chosen monologues. Finally,... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Scene Things Differently

Character Portrayal on Stage Versus Film

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • Performing Arts

Course Course

  • Drama

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • PR, DT.PR.1 , I.DT.PR.1.2
More 5 periods
Time Frame
Comparing the Quilts of Indigenous Plains People with the Tessellations of M.C. Escher, Part 2

Escher's Terrific Tessellations: The Art of Tile Transformations

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

In this follow-up lesson to "Diamonds, Not Just a Girl's Best Friend," students explore an app that creates Escher-like drawings. Students discuss the principles of design in the drawings. Students discuss Escher and then discuss similarities of the Plains tribes art that precede Escher. Students reflect... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Comparing the Quilts of Indigenous Plains People with the Tessellations of M.C. Escher, Part 2

Escher's Terrific Tessellations: The Art of Tile Transformations

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • Visual Arts

Course Course

  • Visual Arts

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • CP, II.VA.CP.1.2 , CHP, VA.CHP.1 , II.VA.CHP.1.1
More 2-3 class periods
Time Frame 120 - 180 minutes