Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Google Sheets

Lindsey Link | Published: February 21st, 2023 by K20 Center


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Google Sheets

Google Sheets is an online, collaborative spreadsheet program that enables users to create, edit, and format different types of information they would like to organize and analyze.

Google Sheets


Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program that is compatible with Microsoft Excel file formats.  This program enables you to create and collaborate in an online or offline mode, allowing the user to work in a variety of environments.


  1. Sign into your existing Google account.

  2. Select the waffle of applications next to your image to access the Google Drive.

  3. Open a Google Sheet right from the waffle or access it by selecting the "GOOGLE DRIVE" icon.

  4. From within Google Drive, select "NEW" and select "GOOGLE SHEETS."

  5. Select whether you'd like a blank sheet or choose from a template such as attendance or grade tracking.

  6. Give the sheet a title.

  7. Use the top row to label your columns and the individual cells below it to insert the appropriate information.

  8. For more information on the different applications available to you in Google Sheets, visit Google Support.

Google sheets. (n.d.). Google sheets. Retrieved on February 14, 2023, from