
RCV123 serves as an effective tool for ranked-choice voting. Each person casts one vote, and when there are more than two options, voters can rank the options based on their preference. This method ensures that learners' voices are heard and supported.
RCV123 is a web-based software application that provides free access to ranked-choice voting. Instead of a binary choice, offer learners the opportunity to rank options based on their preferences. Do you want learners to vote for which type of class project or assessment they prefer? Do you want learners to rank historical events or figures? When you want learners to share their voice, use this tool to capture which option is most supported, even if it is not everyone’s first choice.
Navigate to
Select “Sign In” to sign in or create a free account.
Select “Start Election/Poll” option at the top of the page.
Follow the prompts to select your settings for this election/poll.
Click the “Save voting settings and go to ballot set-up” button.
Select the options needed for your election/poll, then scroll down to enter the voting options.
Click the “Create Election Links” button.
Use the provided ballot link or QR code to share with voters.
Use the provided results link or QR code to view results.
RCV123. (2022). Free Ranked-Choice Voting for Everyone.