Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Pear Deck

K20 Center | Published: October 20th, 2020 by K20 Center


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Pear Deck

With Pear Deck, you can create interactive slide show presentations and use formative assessments and discussions to enhance learning. This application is available for free or as a paid version. It also integrates with Google.

Pear Deck


When you use Pear Deck as you present a lesson, students can answer questions on their own devices. Then you can display student answers and discuss them before continuing with the lesson. You can use “quick questions” to ask an impromptu question based on class discussion.


  1. Click “Teacher Login.”

  2. Click on “Create a New Presentation.”

  3. Click “Create a Lesson.”

  4. Enter the information on your Google Slides through Pear Deck.

  5. Present to your class.

Pear Deck (n.d.). Pear Deck. Pear Deck, Inc.