In this College 2 Career Forum, students participate in a session about Esports casting.
Essential Questions
What role does casting play in Esports?
Learning Goals
Identify skills related to casting in Esports.
Materials List
Esports Commentary Slides (attached)
Casting 3-2-1 handout (attached)
5 Minute(s)
Use the attached Esports Commentary Slides to guide the activity. Review the lesson objectives on slide 4 and move to slide 5. Introduce students to the I Used to Think…But Now I Know strategy. Tell students to think about what casting is as it relates to Esports. Provide a minute for students to think of a response, then tell students to share their response with a partner. Ask for a few volunteers to share their responses and tell students as they progress through the session they will learn more about the role casting plays in Esports.
5 Minute(s)
Move to slide 6 and tell students there are two categories that aspects of casting can be classified into, play-by-play and color. Tell students play-by-play is giving a running commentary on what is happening within the match/game, while color is providing more detailed explanations about why specific plays happened – knowledge of the game is key for this style. Read the five characteristics of casting on slide 6 and tell students to think if each characteristic fits under the category of play-by-play or color. Tell students to hold up one finger for play-by-play and two fingers for color as the characteristics are read. Read each characteristic on slides 7-10, and pause to poll students on the category the characteristics fit into. Clarify any misconceptions about each characteristic. Move to slide 11 and explain how both esports and professional sportscasters are similar in commonly using dual casters. On the left are Joe Buck and Troy Aikman (NFL casters), on the right are Michael "KiXSTAr" Stockley and Parker "Interro" Mackay (Rainbow 6 Siege casters). Move to slide 12 and explain how casters use notes to add background knowledge about each player and match. On the left are soccer notes from the 2016-2017 Manchester City roster. The included information is previous clubs, season stats, place of birth, and date of signing. On the right, are caster notes from a DOTA 2 match. The included information is the previous team's picks and bans. The information gives viewers information on how the match might play out based on past matches.
10 Minute(s)
Move to slide 13 and tell students as they watch the video about casting, they should look for skills that are needed to be successful at Esports casting. Play the video then ask for students to talk to a partner about the skills that are good for casting Esports. Ask for several volunteers to share their thoughts. Move to slide 14 and point out the qualities that students have mentioned, and elaborate on any skills not shared by students. Move to slide 15 to showcase a clip of Parker "Interro" Mackay explaining how Michael "KiXSTAr" Stockley evolved the pro league scene for Rainbow 6 Siege as a caster.
5 Minute(s)
Pass out the attached Casting 3-2-1 handout to each student. Move to slide 16 and tell students to scan the embedded QR code with a personal device such as a phone. Introduce students to the 3-2-1 strategy. Tell students they should look for three key characteristics of the casters that enhanced the match, two questions they have about casting, and one skill they have that transfers directly to casting. After the video, have students talk to a partner about the questions, then ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. Move to slide 17 and tell students how they can get into casting, then move to slide 18 and review the salary ranges for casting. Note each of the pay levels for casters and how some are not the norms and are mostly for the love of the game.
5 Minute(s)
Move to slide 19 and tell students to think about their knowledge of casting now. Ask for volunteers to share their thoughts about Esports casting after the session and have a discussion about the role of casting in Esports.
Follow-Up Activities
For other sessions related to Esports consider the Esports in College and Esports Careers resources. (Update with correct published link please)
Research Rationale
The virtual environment in which esports take place is highly task-oriented and competitive, e-athletes must be ready to provide fast responses and efficient decision making (Tang, 2018). Esports offers a fun, interactive environment for students to learn soft skills such as teamwork and communication, and that's one reason it is being implemented in STEM education (Rothwell & Shaffer, 2019). The requirement for high-pressure problem-solving and quick strategic planning are skills that students can build when taking part in esports. Where traditional team sports, such as basketball and football, require physical skills, esports require more technical skills and mental preparedness. In a study of an educational esports league, authors discuss the learning opportunities provided during play, as well as discussion of the process of starting and maintaining a league, and recommendations for building a league (Cho, Tsaasan, & Steinkuehler, 2019).
K20 Center. (n.d.). 3-2-1. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d). I Used to Think, but Now I Know. Strategies.