Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning


Inferential Logics and Hypothesis Testing

Jacqueline Schlasner, Cody Garrison, William Thompson, Javier Elizondo, Emmett Mathews, Braden Roper, Diana Gedye | Published: November 9th, 2020 by K20 Center

Learning Objectives

  1. Given an empirical problem and data, the student can perform a hypothesis test.

  2. Given an empirical problem, the student can interpret what rejecting or retaining the null hypothesis means for that particular problem.

About Potions!

In Potions!, an evil wizard has cursed the creatures of the land with various ailments. Being (somewhat) skilled in potions, the player will take on the duty of curing the victims. Unfortunately, magic is complex and players need to do some experimenting to get it right. To be successful and save as many fantastical creatures as possible, players must learn to select appropriate parameters and correctly interpret the results of experiments.

Potions! teaches inferential logics and hypothesis testing by having students run authentic experiments in a fantastical setting. In this puzzle game, players are armed with a variety of potions representing the dependent variables of an experiment. Each potion has a different effect. To know the effect, students will conduct trials on the target population and compare the results of a pair of potions using a t-test. To complete the game, students must negotiate the tradeoffs between available resources, study accuracy, and danger to participants.

Potions! is intended to be used in college-level introduction statistics classes across multiple disciplines. Include it in your own lesson or use ours, called “Do Placebos Kill Minotaurs?” which can be found at .


Game Resources

In addition to full implementation support, the K20 Center provides the following documents to help instructors effectively integrate Potions! into their classrooms:

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