Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Transpiring Trees

Plant Transpiration and the Water Cycle

K20 Center, Quentin Biddy, Bryan Yockers | Published: November 17th, 2022 by K20 Center

  • Grade Level Grade Level 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
  • Subject Subject Science
  • Course Course Biology I
  • Time Frame Time Frame 5-10 class period(s)
  • Duration More 275 minutes


Students will investigate the water cycle and how water flows through ecosystems. Students will use statistical analysis and mathematical reasoning to develop models that can determine the factors that contribute to a tree’s influence on matter and energy cycles within an ecosystem. Students will apply this knowledge to real life data sets to make predictions about how drought conditions may affect trees and the cycles they influence. Acknowledgement: This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIA-1301789. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Essential Question(s)

Overarching Essential Question: How does matter cycle through ecosystems? Topical Essential Question: What part do trees play in natural cycles?



The students view a short video about forestry in Oklahoma and discuss the question, "Why are trees important?" During this discussion the students create a list of reasons they think that trees are important and share these reasons with the class.


Students create a mathematical model to measure and calculate leaf surface area. Students investigate tree transpiration by measuring the water use of a single tree limb over time and comparing this to stem size, limb length, and total leaf surface area. Students apply this mathematical model in an investigation to determine what factors most closely correlate with tree transpiration rates.


Students analyze their data using statistical analysis. Through this analysis students discover that total leaf surface area has the most impact on tree transpiration rates. Students observe tree anatomy to construct explanations for why leaf surface area had the greatest effect on transpiration. Students also create a model of the water cycle to identify how trees fit into that cycle.


Students read a journal article from the PINE MAP study (a study researching drought’s effect on Loblolly Pines) and identify similarities and differences between the research methods and results from the study and the students’ investigation.


Students are given real data from the PINE MAP research study and use their findings and models to analyze and make predictions regarding the Loblolly Pine and its response to drought as well as its role in the ecosystem.


  • Fresh Live Tree Branches, Bradford Pear works well. (1 per group)

  • 1 cm graph paper

  • #10 Tin Can (1 per group)

  • Pruning Shears

  • Tape Measure or Meter Sticks

  • Graduated Cylinder (1 per group)

  • Plastic sheeting (e.g. plastic shopping bag or plastic wrap)

  • PINEMAP Journal Article (included) See for more information.)

  • PINEMAP DATA (Included)

  • Microsoft Excel or other Statistical software

  • Excel spreadsheet instructions

  • CER statement template

  • PINEMAP Article reflection sheet


Show the students the Oklahoma forestry video clip starting at the beginning and ending at time mark 6:50.

Write the question, "Why are trees important?" on the board. Have the students take a sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise to create a two-column page. On the top of the left hand column have them write, "Why trees are important." Have them leave the right hand column blank for now. Instruct the students to individually begin creating a list of all the reasons they think trees are important in the left hand column.

Give the students enough time to generate a good list. Then have the students write, "How I Know It" at the top of the right hand column. For this part of the activity it is sometimes helpful to have the students work with a partner. Have the students write how they know each of the reasons they listed.

Sample "How I Know"

Use the round robin process (Have each group share one reasons why trees are important and how they know it, then move to another group. Each group shares a different reason until the most important reasons have been shared.) to have students share out with the class some of the reasons they think trees are important and how they know that information. As students share you can create a running list on the board.

Ask students, "When you buy fresh flowers, what is the first thing you should normally do when you get them home?"

Then ask the students, "Why do we put flowers in water?" and "What happens to the water over time?" "Where does the water go?

Show the students the short video clip "Water transport in trees" (

To wrap up the introduction discussion draw students attention to how trees interact with water in an ecosystem. Students may not fully be aware of the role that trees play in moving water through an ecosystem at this point. Inform students that they will be investigating how trees accomplish the moving of water. Explain to the students that water that evaporates and exits the plant from the leaves is called transpiration.


PART 1. Investigation Set-Up

Tell the students that it is possible to do the same thing with trees and tree branches. As a part of the PINE MAP study, researchers are looking at drought and its effect on the growth of Loblolly Pine forests commonly grown for the lumber industry. In this study one thing that is measured is the transpiration rate (amount of water usage) for an average pine tree. One method for measuring this is by cutting down an entire tree and placing it in a bucket of water. The researchers can then measure exactly how much water the tree uses over a period of time (see image below). This is not much different than the setup for keeping Christmas trees alive after being cut down.

Sap flow and transpiration rate data collection (courtesy of Oklahoma NSF-funded EPSCoR's 2014 Summer Authentic Research Experience for Teachers (ARET)

Tell the students that they will be investigating the factors that might be influencing water usage for individual tree limbs using a similar method. Explain to students that each group will receive a live tree branch a large #10 coffee can and the necessary measuring tools.

Show the students the sample set-up below for the investigation. Tell the students, “Before we can begin we need to define the parameters of our investigation. What characteristics of the tree branch could we measure and compare with transpiration rate (water usage) to find possible correlations?”

Sample Transpiration Investigation set-up
Sample Transpiration investigation set-up used by AP Environmental students of 2014 ARET Teacher Participant Bryan Yockers, Jenks High School

Once the students have identified the three characteristics to use as the independent variables the students will need to create a hypothesis and a null hypothesis for the investigation.

Students will also need to specify how each variable will be measured. This is important because during the data analysis, the class will combine and use all the data collected by the class(es). Consistency in the measurements will lead to a more accurate statistical analysis.

Show the students the suggested measurements methods (See figure below):

  • Tree limb length – Is measured vertically from floor to the top of the tallest point of the limb.

  • Tree limb diameter – Is measured directly at the top of the can.

  • Total leaf surface area – Will be described.

Sample Transpiration investigation set-up with measurements shown

To measure Total leaf surface area students will need to construct a mathematical model to calculate total leaf surface area. The simplest and most common method for measuring leaf surface area is to use 1cm grid paper.

  1. Place leaf on 1cm2 grid paper and trace.

  2. Count the number of whole squares covered.

  3. Count the number of partial squares covered. Divide this number by 2.

  4. Add the number of whole squares to your answer from step 3. This is the surface area of the leaf.

Sample Grid Method for measuring leaf surface area

Even though this method is fairly straightforward is takes time, especially for measuring leaf surface area for an entire tree or tree limb. A second method is to create a mathematical model (an equation) in which you can measure the length of the leaf and input this number into the model and get the leaf surface area for each leaf, then add the surface area together for the entire limb or tree.

To do this you should have 2-3 tree limbs available for your classes. Have each student use the grid method to find the surface area of at least 5 leaves. Students will also measure the length of each leaf. Have the students record their data. Have each of your classes do this. This will provide a large enough data set to enter into the excel spreadsheet (see attached excel spreadsheet instructions document) used to create an accurate mathematical model to utilize during the transpiration investigation. The mathematical model will be unique to the species of tree that you use.

PART 3. Transpiration Investigation & Data Collection

Place students into groups of 3-4. Give each group the materials for the investigation.

  • Live tree branch

  • #10 tin can or similar size container.

  • Plastic sheeting

Have students set up investigation as described in the sample set-up figure below. Have students write their group name on the can and place a mark about 3/4 of the way up on the inside of the can. Students will then fill the can with water up to this mark.Next have students use the pruning shears to cut a couple of inches off of the already cut stem while it is underwater inside the tin can (see photometer video).

  • When cutting the branches off the trees place them cut end into a bucket of water as soon as possible, however cutting the branches off the trees and getting them into water within 30 minutes shouldn't cause any problems.. You can store them like this for a few days before the investigation in needed.

  • A few inches of each transported branch will need to be cut off below the water surface in the trashcan.

  • When students begin to set up the system for their investigation, a few more inches will need to be cut off the branch under water in the in the can.

This allows the vascular system, the xylem and phloem, to function properly in regard to water uptake. Have students use a ring stand, table or other available object to attach the tree branch in order to keep the branch vertical.

Have students measure and record initial data. (See Transpiration investigation set up figure above)

Tree limb length (TLL) – Is measured vertically from floor to the top of the tallest point of the limb.

Tree limb diameter at can (TLDC) – Is measured directly at the top of the can.

Total leaf surface area (TLSA) – Have students measure the length of each leaf on the branch and record these measurements in a table. (Students can use a permanent marker to mark each leaf to indicate which leaves have been measured.) Have students figure the surface area for each leaf using the equation created in part 2. Have students add all of the individual leaf surface areas to obtain the Total leaf surface area. (This can be done using a calculator and paper or can easily be setup in an excel spreadsheet to figure the TLSA. See attached excel spreadsheet instructions document.)

Water height/volume - Water height/volume can be measured using two methods.

  1. Use a ruler to measure the height from the bottom of the can. Repeat everyday for the duration of the investigation (5-10 days).

  2. Place a mark on the inside of the can. Each day of the investigation add water to bring the water level up to the line. Record the volume of water required to “refill” the can to initial level.

Have students record the water used by the tree branch once everyday for the duration of the investigation. The investigation should last at least 5 days but could be longer as more data will result in more accurate analysis. Students can collect data in a journal or a provided data table similar to the table below.

Sample Transpiration investigation data table


Give students the "?Plant Transport: Xylem and Phloem, Transpiration?" video guide????????????Show the students the short video clip "?Plant Transport: Xylem and Phloem, Transpiration?" ( After viewing the video with the students, use the video guide to facilitate a discussion about how plants accomplish transpiration and the plant components that make transpiration possible. ????????????

After the discussion, have the students revisit their hypotheses for the transpiration investigation. Tell the students in order to determine which hypothesis is correct they must analyze the class data using statistical analysis (See excel spreadsheets document). Explain to the students what it means when something is statistically significant and how to determine from the analysis is something is statistically significant.

  1. Correlation coefficient - When analyzing for correlation between variables the R value gives an measure that indicates the extent that variables are related. R values range from 0 to1. The larger the R value the stronger the correlation (e.g. R=.87 indicates a stronger correlation than R=.43).

  2. P value – P value is the calculated probability the hypothesis for a given relationship between variables is correct. A p value less than 5% or 0.05 is generally considered statistically significant.

Provide the students with the class data and have the students plot the data on graph paper. Make sure they do not connect the dots, they are creating a scatter plot. It is best to have the students use a separate piece of graph paper for each variable (i.e. Water usage (mL) vs. TLL; Water usage (mL) vs. TLDC ; Water usage (mL) vs. TLSA).

Once the students have plotted the data to create their scatter plots explain to the students how to use a ruler to draw a line of best fit. Explain to the students that the relationship of the line of best fit to the data points indicates if there is a strong relationship between the two variables. By looking at the scatter plots and lines of best fit students should be able to visually predict which relationships are more strongly correlated, however it is necessary to show the students what statistical analysis looks like using excel or other software before they can draw any conclusions.

Show the students the results of the statistical analysis. Be sure to point out the R value and the P value for each set of data if possible. Ask the students to interpret the R value and P value for each data set and determine which relationship had the strongest correlation and which had the weakest correlation.

Have the students write a short conclusion for the transpiration investigation using a CER Statement.

Sample student CER statement


Give each student a copy of the article "Using the Tier III Experiments to Investigate the Effects of Drought and Fertilization on Forest Water Use and Stomatal Conductance." Have the students use an analytical reading strategy such as Why-Lighting to do a close reading of the article. Make sure students are aware and looking for familiar words related to the transpiration investigation such as: Stomata, transpiration, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, etc..

Hand the students the article reflection sheet and have them answer the questions from their reading and Why-Lighting notes. Give the students time to complete the reflection sheet. After the students finish the reflection sheet have them get in groups of 2-3 to discuss what they read and how they answered the reflection sheet.

After a few minutes of small group discussion, post the following question on the board for the students to see: "What similarities and differences exist between the large scale PINEMAP research study and our transpiration investigation?"Have the students write a G= I= S= T= (GIST) statement (summary statement in 20 words or less) or a Tweet Up to answer the question. After the students have finished their statements have each group share their response.


Provide students with the sap flux data from the PINEMAP research study. This will include sap flux data for 2 plots of trees (control – regular rainfall and drought – 30% less rainfall)(see plot map below). Explain to the students that the sap flux data is a measure of the temperature difference in the probes and this difference is caused by sap flow in a tree. This measurement can be used to calculate sap flow and therefore water usage/transpiration rates for the tree.

Have students analyze the data in terms of transpiration rates and using their analysis have them draw conclusions about the transpiration rates of the tree on the four different test plots. Have students explain the daily patterns seen for probe temperature difference and sap flux data.

PINEMAP Tier III research plot map
Rainfall excluders on drought plots carry 30% of rainfall off of the plot to simulate drought
Sap Flux/Flow sensors used to measure sap flow and water usage in a tree
