In this lesson, students learn about Complete Blood Count (CBC), blood-specific vocabulary, common disorders which may be detected with a CBC and the role of CBC in patient diagnosis. They will conduct an investigation where they analyze the characteristics of simulated blood samples and diagnose patients based on their findings. Additionally, they will watch an interview with a Biomedical Educator to learn about her career and becoming a certified phlebotomist.
Essential Question(s)
How is complete blood count (CBC) used in patient diagnosis?
Students watch a video introducing the concept of a complete blood count (CBC).
Students complete a lab activity identifying the characteristics of artificial blood samples.
Students complete scavenger hunt notes to learn about conditions that can be indicated by a CBC and cover relevant vocabulary.
Students revisit the lab activity to determine possible diagnoses for each sample and watch a video about a career in biomedical education.
Students will complete an exit ticket assessing a hypothetical patient CBC.
Falcon tubes (8, plus 1 for each student lab group)
Cinnamon imperials/Red Hots candy (heart shaped if available, not gummies)
Dried lima beans (small)
Lentils (dark)
Investigation Handout (one per student)
Scavenger Hunt Notes (one per student)
Scavenger Hunt Stations (one printed set)
ICAP Reflection (cut in half sheets, one per student)
15 Minute(s)
Go to slides 2-3 to share the essential question and lesson objectives with students.
Go to slide 4. Next, play the In the Lab - Complete Blood Count (CBC) video, which goes behind the scenes of a medical testing lab and introduces the concept of a complete blood count (CBC). Explain to students that they will analyze samples like a lab technician during the rest of the lesson.
Conduct a short class discussion focused on the key points in the video.
45 Minute(s)
Students will now complete the first part of a CBC investigation. Provide each student with the Investigation Handout. Next, go to slide 5 to show students which part of their handout they should fill out during this activity. Instruct students to visit each station and fill out only the “Indication” column of their handout. They will complete the “Proposed Diagnosis” section later. Divide students in groups of 2-3 and provide each group with a control/normal sample tube. Display slide 6 and give them a moment to identify the components of their control tube as referenced in the labeled image on the slide.
Go to slide 7 to display the specific instructions for how to conduct the investigation. At each station, students should compare their control tube to the station’s sample and describe how that sample is different (e.g., fewer RBCs, less plasma, etc.).
After all groups have completed this task, continue to the next part of the lesson.
50 Minute(s)
Students will now complete a Scavenger Hunt Notes activity to learn relevant vocabulary and about conditions that can be indicated by a CBC. Distribute to each student a copy of the Scavenger Hunt Notes handout and go to slide 8 to provide instructions on how you would like them to visit the note-taking stations.
50 Minute(s)
After students have completed their notes, go to slide 9 to introduce Part Two of the investigation. Have students pair up with someone who was not in their lab group for Part One. With their new partner, students should consult their Scavenger Hunt Notes and compare them to the indicators they identified during part one to diagnose each sample. Allow them to revisit the stations/examine the sample tubes again if necessary.
Bring the class back together as a group to review the answers to the investigation. Ask for volunteers to give their diagnoses for each sample and justify their answer with the indicators they identified. If you would like to display the answers, un-hide slide 10.
Following the lab discussion, go to slide 11 and play the K20 ICAP - Biomedical Educator - It's in the Blood video.
After watching the video, go to slide 12 and pass out the ICAP Reflection handout. Students will use this to complete the WICK strategy, reflecting on what they’ve learned about biomedical education and phlebotomy certification, what they found interesting and confusing, and how it connects to what they know now from the lesson. Ask for a few volunteers to share out any part of their reflection you wish to explore with the class.
20 Minute(s)
To wrap up the lesson, students will complete an Exit Ticket which asks them to make a diagnosis of a patient sample and justify their answer. Go to slide 13 and display the Exit Ticket prompt. Have students complete this in whatever format is most convenient for your class.
In The Lab - Complete Blood Count (CBC) -
K20 Center. (n.d.). Bell ringers and exit ticket. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). It’s in the Blood with Cassie Crowell. ICAP video. YouTube.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Scavenger hunt notes. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). WICK. Strategies.
Sci NC. (n.d.). What Happens to Your Blood Test. YouTube video.