Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning


Laura Halstied, Mary Braggs | Published: September 16th, 2022 by K20 Center


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This engaging strategy provides a way for students to categorize information and think critically about content.



Students reflect on content by categorizing information they have learned into four areas. The four areas enable students to summarize the topic and reflect on the information they have learned about.


  1. Have students divide their paper into four quadrants and label each quadrant "What,” "Interesting," "Confusing," and "Kind of like" or "Knew this already," depending on your preference.

  2. Students complete each quadrant with a summary of what the topic is, what is interesting about the topic, what is confusing, and either how the topic is similar to something else or a piece of information they already knew about the topic.

  3. After students complete all four quadrants, place them into pairs or small groups to discuss and compare their thoughts; then have a class discussion about the content.

Citation: Adapted from Seale, C. (2022, April 28). A critical thinking strategy for student note-taking. Edutopia. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from