Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Countdown to Congruence

Investigating Triangle Congruence Theorems

Michell Eike, Kelsey Willems | Published: February 27th, 2024 by K20 Center

Based on Angles and Sides, Sides and Angles by K20 Center.

  • Grade Level Grade Level 9th, 10th
  • Subject Subject Mathematics
  • Course Course Geometry
  • Time Frame Time Frame 3 class periods
  • Duration More 120–135 minutes


Students use manipulatives to investigate triangle congruence and complete proofs using triangle congruence theorems in this game-show themed lesson.

Essential Question(s)

How can we justify that two triangles are congruent?



Students consider the minimum amount of information needed to prove that two triangles are congruent.

Explore 1

Students explore possible congruence theorems: SSS, SSA, and SAS.

Explain 1

Students write conjectures based on their observations then write the congruence theorems in their own words.

Explore 2

Students explore possible congruence theorems: AAA, AAS, and ASA.

Explain 2

Students write conjectures based on their observations then write the congruence theorems in their own words.


Students apply their knowledge of triangle congruence to complete proofs.


Students demonstrate their understanding by identifying the minimum information needed to determine triangle congruence and by applying the appropriate congruence theorem.


  • Lesson Slides (attached)

  • Triangle Congruence Theorems handout (attached; one per student; printed front only)

  • Triangle Congruence Theorems (Sample Response) document (attached; for teacher use)

  • Let’s Make a Proof handout (attached; one per pair; printed front/back)

  • Let’s Make a Proof (Sample Responses) document (attached; for teacher use)

  • Phone a Friend handout (attached; one-half per student; printed front only)

  • Pencils

  • Paper

  • AngLegs (one set per two pairs)

  • Patty Paper or straws (optional)

  • Scissors (optional; one per pair)

  • Protractor (optional; one per pair)

  • Tape (optional)


5 Minute(s)

This lesson is themed around game shows, so try to play the role of the game-show host. Consider playing game-show music from your favorite show in the background or reading through the activity directions in an overly dramatic way. 

Introduce the lesson using the attached Lesson Slides. Use the Bell Ringers strategy to begin class.

Display slide 3 and help students get into the game-show zone by reading the following prompt to students like a game-show host (i.e., in an overly dramatic and loud way): Who wants to be a MATH MASTER? Then read the question and answer choices from the slide: What can we conclude if two triangles are congruent? Is it: (A) All corresponding angles are equal in measure; (B) All corresponding sides are equal in measure; (C) Areas are equal; or (D) All of the above? Have students independently answer the question on a piece of notebook paper or elsewhere if you have a classroom norm for bellwork. After a minute, ask the class what they thought the correct answer was and help them understand that option (D) All of the above was the correct choice. 

Move to slide 4 and ask the class: What is the minimum number of parts (sides and angles) you would need to measure to prove congruence?

After a minute of giving students time to think and respond, tell them that the answer to that question is actually what they are going to learn during this lesson. Share the lesson’s essential question on slide 5 and the learning objectives on slide 6. Review each of these with your class to the extent you feel necessary.

Transition to slide 7 and facilitate a brief discussion about why we need to measure more than one or two parts of each triangle to determine congruence. Let students know that they are going to need to further investigate to determine if measuring three parts is the minimum.

Explore 1

35 Minute(s)

Have students find a partner or assign partners, then move to slide 8. Ask pairs to provide all combinations of three adjacent parts they can think of (you may suggest S for side and A for angle). Allow them to work in pairs to create a list. Choose two pairs to write their lists on the board, then other groups can add to what they have. Discuss the possibilities together.

Come to a consensus: Are these the only six ways that the same three parts of two triangles may be compared? (Yes, as any additional ones would be equivalent.) Then show slide 9. Tell students that they will investigate all six possibilities to see which ones prove congruence.

Display slide 10 and tell students that they are going to only focus on SSS, SSA, and SAS during this first Explore portion of the lesson. Then move to slide 11 and again, try to get into character as a game-show host. Tell students that they are going to play, “Can You Match My Triangle?” where you, the host, will give the class three properties about your triangle, and they are to use their AngLegs or alternative materials to try to create a triangle that matches yours.

Provide each pair with one AngLegs mini-set containing three legs of each color/length and a protractor. Have students get out a pencil and piece of scratch paper. During this activity, students will be using the Inverted Pyramid strategy.

Transition to slide 12. Begin round 1 by reading the first triangle’s three properties from the slide: side AB is 8.66 cm in length; side BC is 10 cm in length; and side AC is 7.07 cm in length. Let students know that the lengths of the AngLegs are printed on the legs. Start the 3-minute timer on the slide. As students work, circulate the room to make sure students are understanding the task. This is the time for you to ask more guiding questions than give answers. So if a student asks something like, “Is this right?” consider replying with something like, “We’ll have to wait and see” or “Do you think there is more than one right answer?”

Once the timer expires, or students are done, move to slide 13 and direct students to find another pair and compare their triangles.

After giving students a minute or two to determine if their pair of triangles are congruent or not, transition to slide 14. Have students hold up their triangles and see if they are all the same (congruent) or if at least one is different (a counterexample). Then ask the class which congruence possibility they just tested.

Display slide 15 to share your triangle. Did everyone’s triangle match? Students should conclude that all of the triangles are congruent and that they tested the Side–Side–Side (SSS) possibility.

Repeat these steps using slides 16–20 for students to test the Side–Side–Angle (SSA) possibility for round 2. Students should conclude that SSA does not determine congruence, as someone should have a counterexample in the class.

You also might consider physically making the triangles, using the AngLegs or alternative materials, to hold up and show the class.

For round 3, again repeat these steps using slides 21–24 for students to test the Side–Angle–Side (SAS) possibility. Students should conclude that all of the triangles are congruent.

Explain 1

10 Minute(s)

Display slide 25 and let students know that based on their observations they are going to be making conjectures—statements that seem true but have not been formally proven. 

Give each student a copy of the attached Triangle Congruence Theorems handout and show slide 26. Facilitate a discussion about how to complete the given conjectures. Have students jot down notes about the conjectures on the backs of their handouts. If needed, use this time to clarify the difference between included and non-included angles.

Move to slide 27 and share with students that due to time they are not going to formally prove the congruence theorems, but instead appreciate that mathematicians already have proven SSS and SAS as triangle congruence theorems. Have students label one space on the front of their handout SSS and mark the triangles accordingly, then write the theorem in their own words. Repeat this for SAS; use the images on the slide to help direct students where to write. Depending on time and the needs of your students, you might consider collaborating as a class and agreeing upon the language used to write the theorems. Use the attached Triangle Congruence Theorems (Sample Response) document as needed.

Explore 2

35 Minute(s)

Display slide 28 and tell students that they are going to only focus on AAA, AAS, and ASA during this second Explore portion of the lesson. Then move to slide 29 and again, try to get into character as a game-show host. Tell students that they are going to play the challenge rounds of “Can You Match My Triangle?” These investigations will likely take longer than the previous investigations, which is why students will be given more time.

As before, provide each pair with one mini-set of AngLegs containing three legs of each color/length and a protractor. Then have pairs form groups of four, with two mini-sets of AngLegs. Students need to have access to two protractors, which is why students are now in groups of four. If you have enough protractors for each pair to have two, consider having students work in pairs for more engagement. Have students get out a pencil and piece of scratch paper; they can use the same scratch paper from the earlier exploration.

Transition to slide 30. Begin challenge round 1 by reading the first triangle’s three properties from the slide: the measure of angle A is 30°, the measure of angle B is 60°, and the measure of angle C is 90°. Start the 5-minute timer on the slide. As students work, circulate the room to make sure students are understanding the task. This is the time for you to ask more guiding questions than give answers.

Once the timer expires, or students are done, move to slide 31 and have students hold up their triangles and see if they are all the same (congruent) or if at least one is different (a counterexample). Then ask the class which congruence possibility they just tested.

Use slide 32 or unhide slide 33 to share your triangle. If everyone’s triangles happen to be congruent, show the counterexample implying that no one was able to match your triangle. If you notice that there is at least one counterexample in the class, there is no need to unhide any slides. Students should conclude that AAA does not determine congruence.

Repeat these steps using slides 34–36 for students to test the Angle–Angle–Side (AAS) possibility for challenge round 2. Students should conclude that all of the triangles are congruent.

For challenge round 3, again repeat these steps using slides 37–39 for students to test the Angle–Side–Angle (ASA) possibility. Students should conclude that all of the triangles are congruent.

Explain 2

10 Minute(s)

Display slide 40. Facilitate a discussion about how to complete the given conjectures. Have students jot down notes about the conjectures on the backs of their Triangle Congruence Theorems handouts. Be sure that students know what the difference between included and non-included sides is.

Move to slide 41 and share with students that, due to time, they are not going to formally prove the congruence theorems but instead appreciate that mathematicians already have proven ASA and AAS as triangle congruence theorems. Have students complete their handout by writing the theorem names, labeling the triangles, and writing the theorems in their own words. Depending on the needs of your students and time, you might consider collaborating as a class and agreeing upon the language used to write the theorems.

Transition through slides 42–43 to share with students the Hypotenuse–Leg (HL) congruence theorem in as much detail as you feel necessary. There is empty space at the bottom of the front page of their Triangle Congruence Theorems handout for notes on this theorem.

Before continuing the lesson, make sure students understand that the minimum number of parts they would need to measure to determine triangle congruence is three.


20 Minute(s)

Have each student find a new partner—someone they have not yet worked with during this lesson—or assign students new partners. Working with different peers encourages the development of academic vocabulary and encourages students to consider different approaches to a problem. Display slide 44 and give each pair a copy of the attached Let’s Make a Proof handout. Again, this is a good time to continue your role as the overly excited game-show host.

Direct pairs to collaborate to complete the given two-column proofs. Here students will work through four proofs that will increase in difficulty as they progress. The first proof has quite a few pieces of the proof completed for the students, while the last proof only gives the hint of how many steps (rows) there are in the proof. Use the attached Let’s Make a Proof (Sample Responses) document for reference as needed. Remember, there is some flexibility in the order students write a proof.


5 Minute(s)

Use the Exit Tickets strategy to individually assess what students have learned from the lesson. Show slide 45 and give each student a copy of the attached Phone a Friend half-page handout. Read the prompt from the slide (again, in your best game-show host voice): Your friend is on Who Wants to be a Math Master? and is unsure about one of the questions. Luckily for them, they have the option to call a friend: you! Students are asked to determine the unnecessary information and which congruence theorem proves congruence.
