This activity is part of a series of professional learning activities that can be used to support a group book study. Over the course of this activity, participants collaborate in small groups and create affinity maps that will aid them as they work to establish norms. These norms will be enforced by... Read more »
This activity is part of a series of professional learning activities that can be used to support a group book study. Over the course of this activity, participants collaborate in small groups and use the cooperative processing strategy to select the title they will be reading for the book study. They... Read more »
This resource is part of a series of professional learning activities that can be used to support a group book study. In each section, you will be able to select from several activities that will enable you and the other participants in your book study group to think critically about the reading. The... Read more »
5E Lesson Writing Session 3: The LEARN Writing Process focuses participants on creating a LEARN lesson with the support of a content curriculum specialist. Participants begin the development of an Authentic 5E lesson that will be published to LEARN and taught to cohort students. Read more »
5E Lesson Writing Session 2: Developing 5E Lessons focuses participants on examining different authentic lesson activities, placing them in appropriate components of authenticity, and reflecting on designing activities that are highly engaging for students. Read more »
5E Lesson Writing Session 1: Authenticity and 5E Lessons focuses on building relationships with participants, examining different 5E lesson frameworks, and aligning 5E snapshots with the authentic teaching tool. Read more »
This lesson introduces students to the emotions of anxiety and anxiety disorders. Students identify the causes and symptoms of certain anxiety disorders, including Social Anxiety Disorder, phobias, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Students then have an opportunity to explore different coping strategies... Read more »
Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies
This lesson introduces students to the phenomenon of the bystander effect. They begin by examining situations in which the bystander effect has been known to occur. They also have an opportunity to analyze hypothetical scenarios and determine whether or not they are examples of the phenomenon. Students... Read more »
The Bystander Effect and How to Overcome It
In this lesson, students will begin by analyzing two images depicting the Washita Massacre to generate hypotheses about what happened during this historical event. Next, students will read and analyze an article and complete a corresponding history frame graphic organizer. As an extension, students... Read more »
The Indian Wars in Indian Territory
This lesson explores a couple of Supreme Court decisions that have specified individual rights of due process under the Constitution. Students will examine the events that led up to the cases of Gideon v. Wainwright and Miranda v. Arizona by analyzing portions of the 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments. They... Read more »
Gideon v. Wainwright & Miranda v. Arizona