Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Samaya Williams

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Recent Publications

The Sound of Polynomials

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 11th

In this lesson, students practice adding and subtracting polynomial expressions. They watch a video about a complicated food order and discuss the idea of combining like items to simplify the order. Students use math manipulatives to explore how to use addition and subtraction to simplify polynomial... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
The Sound of Polynomials

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Tag Related

  • Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 1, Algebra 2

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A1.A.3.2, A2.A.2.2
More 3 class periods
Time Frame 120–140 minutes
Multiplying Polynomials

Beyond FOILing

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Students will recall properties of exponents and explore different methods of multiplying binomials. Students will apply this knowledge to multiplying more advanced polynomial expressions or multiplying polynomial expressions in the context of a geometry setting. Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Multiplying Polynomials

Beyond FOILing

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 2

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A2.A.2.2
More 2-3 class periods
Time Frame 90-100 minutes
Math Interview

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - Secondary

This math strategy encourages students to deepen their math understanding. Students conduct an interview with a partner to help them ask meaningful questions, have productive discourse, use academic language, and reflect metacognitively. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Small Group

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Explain/Closing, Extend/Additional Learning Activity, Evaluate/Assessment

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • More Than 30 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement, Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Elaborate, Evaluate, Problem Solving, Reason, Reflection, Review, Self-assessment, Speak & Listen, Writing Across Curriculum

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - Secondary
A Solidifying Pattern

Surface Area of Prisms and Pyramids

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 10th

In this lesson, students will explore how to find the surface area of prisms and pyramids. Students will discover the general formulas for finding surface area of prisms and pyramids and are introduced to the surface area of spheres and hemispheres. Students will apply what they learn to create a composite... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
A Solidifying Pattern

Surface Area of Prisms and Pyramids

Course Course

  • Geometry

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 10th

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • G.3D.1.1
More 2-3 class periods
Time Frame 105-120 minutes