Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

POMS: Point of Most Significance

K20 Center, Sharlene Kell | Published: September 16th, 2020 by K20 Center


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POMS: Point of Most Significance

This is a quick reflection activity where students identify the most significant learning or idea they gained from a lesson.

POMS: Point of Most Significance


Students reflect on the most significant point of the lesson. Reflections are used to view whether or not the key points of a lesson are perceived as significant by the students.


  1. Ask students to think about the most significant point of the lesson. You can do this by starting with a review of the topic and then posing a question, like, "What point made during today’s lesson helped you to understand . . . ?"

  2. Have them either share this point out loud or write it down.

  3. Collect student responses.

  4. Let students know how you will use the information to either reteach or move forward.

  5. Analyze student responses to augment instruction in the future.