
This strategy provides students with an opportunity to move around the room while engaging in conversations with different groups of students over a given topic. This helps students practice their communication skills.
Students move around the room until the music stops. Once the music stops, prompt students to form groups by providing them a specific number. Provide the students with a question, statement, or problem to solve. As students discuss, move around the room, verifying the groups’ responses and listening to their logic. Then the music starts back up and the process repeats.
Ask students to mingle around the room. Play grade appropriate music as they move. Consider using music that connects to the topic.
Stop the music and inform the students to get into groups of a specific number.
Once students are settled in their groups, provide them a prompt. This can be a math question, a statement they agree or disagree with, or a question about the current lesson.
While students are discussing, encourage them to use academic vocabulary and explain their reasoning.
Repeat steps 1-4 as many times as needed, with different prompts and different size groups.
Kagan, S. (2001, Spring). Structures: Research and rationale. Kagan Online Magazine. Kagan Publishing.