
Not Like the Others
This strategy challenges students to identify similarities and differences among a group of words or pictures. Students select a word or picture from a group that they believe doesn't fit, then justify their choices with their peers.
Not Like the Others
Given a group of pictures, a list of words, or a similar cluster of concepts related to the topic of study, students decide which word or image does not hold as strong a connection to the topic as the others in the group. While there may not necessarily be a right or wrong answer, students construct an argument for why their choice is the best.
Provide students with several pictures or words that are related to their topic of study (e.g., Superman, Spider-Man, and Thor).
Include one picture or word that seems to fit into the same category (e.g., Batman, an antihero) to heighten the challenge, or include one picture or word that is clearly a misfit (e.g., Gotham City).
Ask each student, working individually, to select a picture or word from the group that they believe to be an outlier with a key difference.
Sort students into small groups. Group members may have the same answers or a variety of different answers. Ask each student to explain the reasoning behind their choice to their group.
Time permitting, ask volunteers to share their choice and reasoning.
Optionally, to extend this activity, ask volunteers to try persuading their classmates of their reasoning. Students who change their answers based on their classmates' reasoning can join their classmates' groups.
Which One Doesn't Belong? (2017, January 20th). WODB.