
Crosscutting Cards
Each subject has skills and processes that should happen, no matter the grade or content standard. This strategy helps students understand the connection between those processes and their learning.
Crosscutting Cards
Allowing students the time to connect the content they've learned with how they've learned it creates more awareness that makes future learning, and making connections between all content points, easier.
Display all of the crosscutting concepts (or the math actions or the 10 themes or the eight overarching standards, depending on your subject) for the students to see.
Ask students to reflect on what they have learned today and think about which of the crosscutting concepts applied to what they learned.
Prompt the students to write down which concept they chose and why they think it applies.
Have students share their statements either with classmates or the whole group.
(Optional Step 1) Prompt students to look back through their learning notebook and find another time that they addressed the same crosscutting concept.
(Optional Step 2) Have students compare both contents and write about how the content is the same and how it is different.
Page, K. (2015). Science formative assessment, volume 2. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA