Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Trigger Warnings: Intellectual Rights and Responsibilities

Banned Books, Censorship Part 1

K20 Center, Summer Boismier | Published: November 17th, 2022 by K20 Center

  • Grade Level Grade Level 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
  • Subject Subject English/Language Arts
  • Course Course A.P. Language and Composition, A.P. Literature and Composition, American Literature, British Literature, Composition, Creative Writing, World Literature
  • Time Frame Time Frame 2-3 class period(s)
  • Duration More 150 minutes


Through conversation and close reading, students will begin the study of a controversial work of literature by examining the pros and cons of trigger warnings in our society. Students will choose two published opinion pieces (one from both sides of the free-speech debate) and deconstruct the arguments in each with a graphic organizer. Students will then collaborate with peers to construct a roving paragraph using a claim-evidence-commentary structure and use peer feedback to evaluate their written products. While this lesson is currently aligned only to 9th grade standards, it would be appropriate to teach in grades 9 through 12, adjusting standards as needed.

Essential Question(s)

How might trigger warnings affect free speech? How should schools balance an obligation to facilitate responsible dialogue on tough topics with an obligation to shield students who might feel uncomfortable?



Students agree or disagree with a quote about the value of trigger warnings via the Sticky Bars strategy.


Students choose two opinion pieces (one from both sides of the free-speech debate) from the New York Times's Room for Debate "When Free Speech Disappears From Campus" to read and analyze.


Students complete a T-chart analyzing the thesis, evidence, and potential counter-arguments posed by each of the two selected opinion pieces.


Students collaboratively construct one-paragraph arguments (including counter-arguments and rebuttals) for or against trigger warnings using an activity called roving paragraphs.


Students share completed paragraphs and provide feedback for their peers. Finally, students address the essential questions in an exit ticket.


  • Student devices with internet access

  • Writing materials (blue/black ink pens, highlighters, markers)

  • Sticky notes

  • Lined paper for roving paragraphs (optional)

  • Analyzing Opinion handout (attached)

  • Roving Paragraphs Sentence Rubric handout (attached)


Place labels on the classroom walls (preferably at the front of the room) to designate spaces for a future activity. Label one space AGREE and one space DISAGREE. Upon entering the room, ensure each student has a sticky note to complete the Engage activity.

Project the quote from Kyla Bender-Baird (slide 4), a grad student at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York, on a SmartBoard or similar device. This quote is a note Bender-Baird includes about trigger warnings on her course syllabus. Instruct students to read the quote silently to themselves as you read it aloud.

Allow students 2-3 minutes to consider the quote. During this time, you might want to clarify any ambiguous terms, such as paradigm, for students.

Ask students to participate in a Sticky Bars activity about the quote. On the front of a sticky note, have students write their names and either the word AGREE or DISAGREE, depending on how they feel about the Bender-Baird quote. On the back of the same sticky note, instruct students to list at least three reasons why they agree or disagree with the quote. If students struggle with their reasons, you can always brainstorm as a class or provide examples from which students can choose.

Have students place completed sticky notes in their answer's designated space, either AGREE or DISAGREE. This creates a real-time bar graph of student responses. Student reasoning on the backs of sticky notes also allows you to gauge opinions at the outset of the lesson. For the best visual, ensure students place their answers in columns or rows, creating neat, bar graph-style lines.

Lead students in a brief, whole-class discussion using information shown by the sticky bars. If time permits, you can even have students grab a sticky note from the opposing side to read and consider or share opinions with an Elbow Partner.


Students will now look at two opinion pieces from The New York Times on the topic of free speech as it relates to the college campus. Distribute copies of the Analyzing Opinion handout.

Have students participate in a variation of the Think-Pair-Share activity using the first page of their opinion handout. Ask students to individually review the article titles for side 1 and side 2. Challenge students to generate a topic (e.g., free speech, sensitive material, trigger warnings) for all six articles and determine the position (pro/con) of each side.

"Analyzing Opinion Handout" (page 1)

Next, ask students to pair up with a "solemate" (someone wearing the same color shoes) and share.

Finally, come together whole class and ask students to volunteer possible topics and positions. At this point, it may be necessary to correct any misconceptions about the article topic/positions.

Ask students to choose two articles to read independently, one from each side. Alternatively, students can pair up and read their articles together out loud. Have students circle or highlight their article choices in each column. As students read, ask them to use an annotation strategy, such as CUS and Discuss, to track ideas.


Depending on your preference and your classroom culture, have students complete the modified T-chart on pages 2-3 of the handout (located under Attachments) either after they finish both articles or as they read. Allow students to work individually, collaborate with a reading partner, or work with two different partners (one for each article).

As students work, move around the room to supervise progress and offer assistance when necessary.

Even if students work independently, encourage collaboration. Ask students to share responses periodically with the whole class and compare their thoughts to other students' ideas. Use this time as an opportunity for students reading the same articles to debate as they record article information on their T-charts.

Allow students 30-45 minutes to complete their T-charts in the handout. Once students have finished, introduce the term trigger warnings to the whole class. Ask students to offer definitions of trigger warnings. Use this time to clear up any misconceptions on what trigger warnings actually are and actually do. Provide examples for students, as well. You can use this portion of the lesson as an exit ticket for the day. Encourage students to go home and find additional examples of trigger warnings in everyday life.


Now students have the chance to elaborate on their own opinions about trigger warnings from the Engage activity. You might first ask students to think back to their comments on the Bender-Baird quote, passing back the sticky notes from earlier if students need the reminder.

Discuss as a whole class the necessity of using trigger warnings in schools, specifically high schools. Ask students to take a position (agree/disagree) on the claim that trigger warnings are beneficial for high-school students/learning.

Students will create a one-paragraph argument using a strategy called roving paragraphs, a collaborative writing activity in which students work with multiple partners to form a coherent paragraph draft that can then be used to develop future writing on a topic. Follow the steps below for the roving-paragraphs extension.

  1. To begin, instruct students to write their own claim statements expressing their opinions on the use of trigger warnings in schools (see page 3 of the "Analyzing Opinion Handout" located under Attachments). Remind students that a claim statement MUST be arguable. Students may use the provided handout or a separate sheet of paper.

  2. Each student will need to find a partner. Ask students to read their claim statements to their partners, then trade papers. Provide students with a list of transition words and phrases. Using their partner's claim statement, have each student choose one of the transitional words or phrases on the list and continue their partner's paragraph with an evidence sentence that supports their partner's claim. Model this process, if necessary. It's usually a good idea to have students write their names beside their sentences, too. Students should use the articles they read earlier to find DIRECT evidence. If students are able, you can ask them to cite their evidence with an MLA in-text citation.

  3. Ask students to return their papers to their original owners, meaning that each student should have their claim-statement paper back. Students should then find a new partner. Ask students to share their claim and evidence sentences then trade papers with the new partner. Students should construct a commentary sentence for their partner. It should connect the claim and evidence together. Model this process, if necessary. If students need help making the connection, ask them to consider how the evidence proves the claim. Remind students to write their names beside their sentences and use a new transitional word or phrase from the provided list.

  4. Repeat step 3 as necessary, switching partners each time.

  5. Ask students to return their papers to their original owners, meaning each student should have their claim-statement paper back. Students should then find a new partner. Ask students to share their claim, evidence, and commentary sentences then trade papers with the new partner. Students should now write a counter-argument sentence. Model this process, if necessary. Have students consider what someone on the other side of this argument might say. Remind students to write their names beside their sentences and use a new transitional word or phrase from the provided list.

  6. Ask students to return their papers to their original owners, meaning each student should have their claim-statement paper back. Students should then find a new partner. Have students share their claim, evidence, commentary, and counter-argument sentences, then trade papers with the new partner. Students should now write a rebuttal sentence. Model this process, if necessary. Have students consider how the person making the claim should respond to the counter-argument. Remind students to write their names beside their sentences and use a new transitional word or phrase from the provided list.

  7. Ask students to return their papers to their original owners, meaning each student should receive their claim-statement paper back. Students should then return to their seats. Ask students to read over their claim, evidence, commentary, counter-argument, and rebuttal sentences. Finally, instruct students to write a concluding sentence for their paragraphs. Model this process, if necessary. Remind students that this sentence should restate the claim and sum up their argument. OPTIONAL: Have students incorporate a new transitional word or phrase from the provided list into their concluding sentences.

Below are starters for each sentence in the roving paragraph. Consider using the sentence starters to differentiate for differing-ability learners. You can require students to place the transition words anywhere in the sentences.

  • Claim statement: I agree/disagree that trigger warnings are _________.

  • Evidence sentence: For instance, ______________ argues "___________________" (Surname).

  • Commentary sentences: As such, _____________________. Furthermore, _____________________.

  • Counter-argument sentence: Some ____________ might argue, however, ___________________.

  • Rebuttal sentence: Ultimately, trigger warnings __________________________________.

  • Concluding sentence: I am for/against the use of trigger warnings in high school, consequently, because _________________.


Students can provide peer feedback for roving paragraphs as an evaluation. What students should mainly be assessing here is paragraph fluency and use of transitions. Depending on your classroom needs, you might want to have students look for other criteria as well.

Ask students to trade papers with a partner. This should be someone the student has not worked with yet. Provide students with the Roving Paragraphs Sentence Rubric handout to aid peer response.

With a marker or different-colored writing utensil, have students write either PRO or CON at the top of the page, depending on the author’s claim. Remind students to write their names, too.

Students should circle AT LEAST TWO words or phrases in the claim that indicate the author’s position on the topic.

Using the rubric, have students label each sentence in the paragraph on a 0-4 scale (0 is weakest, 4 is strongest). For each label, students should explain their ratings in 1-2 sentence. So, if students have seven labels, they should also have seven ratings. Model this process, if necessary.

Lastly, have students share each sentence rating and explanation with their partner. As an Exit Ticket, ask students to share whole-class responses to the essential questions.
