
Paired Texts H-Chart
This exercise helps students analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources.
Paired Texts H-Chart
Students analyze multiple texts, moving beyond compare/contrast to construct their own understandings of the source material, before engaging in a discussion and writing activity. Students begin with two information sources on an H-chart. Shaped like a capital letter H, an H-chart has students record their research on two texts or concepts within the legs of the H. In the middle, students write a "third text" to synthesize the information.
Students either make or receive a copy of an H-chart.
Students research the first assigned text or concept, recording relevant information within one leg of the H-chart. This can be done individually or in pairs.
As a class, students discuss the information they learned from investigating the first text or concept.
Students repeat steps 2–3 for the second text or concept.
Have students look at the information written in the two legs of the H-chart and write their "third text," synthesizing the information they learned, in the center of the H-chart.
Students engage in a whole-class discussion of their "third texts."
Students complete a larger writing assignment based on their synthesis of the two texts or concepts.
Bintz, W. (2014). Using paired text to meet the common core: Effective teaching across the K-8 curriculum. Guilford Press.