
Paper Telephone
A mix of "Telephone" and "Pictionary," this short activity teaches students the importance of both descriptive and visual communication.
Paper Telephone
A review activity like a mix of the old-school "telephone" game and "Telestrations" where students will view and craft illustrations based on predetermined topics. This activity helps students display their reading comprehension and visual interpretation skills through drawing and writing. This strategy may be used in any discipline as a means of review or prior knowledge assessment.
Watch this video before class.
Create a set of prompts on index cards and fold them in half for secrecy. The prompts should be vocabulary words or topics related to your lesson.
Divide students into groups of 4–5. Play them this demonstration video.
Each student takes a stack of blank index cards and a prompt, then draws a visual representation of their prompt on their first index card.
Students pass their stack to the next student, who will only look at the top card then move it to the back of the stack face-up. On the new blank card at the front of the deck they will write their guess as to what the illustration topic may have been.
Repeat. This time, they will draw what they think visually represents the topic from the previous card.
Repeat until the stack returns to the original player.
Have students share the interpretations with the group.
Rosa, M., Gordo, S., Sousa, M., & Pocinho, R. (2021). Empathy, creativity, and feelings using a modern board game. 9th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’21).