Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Jared Whaley

LEARN Author

K20 Center

About Me

Recent Publications

Short on time, big on impact! In just 30 minutes, this session will introduce you to engaging instructional strategies you can implement right away. Through interactive activities, we'll explore these strategies and brainstorm how to adapt them to your specific curriculum. Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

  • All Staff or Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Increase Teacher "Toolbox"
Time Frame 30 minutes

This session will invite participants to consider how they can integrate educational games into the classroom to enhance student learning and engagement. They will have an opportunity to try out “Operation: ELECT,” a game developed by K20 in which students develop computational thinking skills by role-playing... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

  • All Staff or Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

Tag Related

  • Games
Time Frame 80-95 minutes
30 Second Spotlight

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Undergraduate - Secondary

Students practice creating and delivering concise presentations. Each student creates one slide and has exactly 30 seconds to present on either a content topic or a topic they are passionate about. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Individual, Small Group

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Engage/Opening, Extend/Additional Learning Activity, Evaluate/Assessment

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • More Than 30 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Evaluate, Speak & Listen, Summarize

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Undergraduate - Secondary

In this professional learning activity, participants explore what characterizes effective communication and productive discourse through several strategies, including drawing, norms setting, a silent debate, collaborative concept mapping, and collaborative goal setting. Read more »

Professional Learning
Time Frame

The Meet Your New AI Assistant session focuses on the use of AI technology to enhance teaching practices that increase student engagement and academic performance. In addition, participants will explore ways to use AI technology to streamline administrative tasks and increase their capacity to focus... Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

  • Administrators, All Staff or Teachers, Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10)

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Increase Teacher "Toolbox"
Time Frame

Strategic lesson closures offer a myriad of advantages, including guiding students in meaningful reflection, consolidating their comprehension, fostering real-world connections, bolstering memory retention, and equipping them with the skills for self-assessment and constructive feedback. In this PD,... Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

  • All Staff or Teachers, New Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Evaluate, Increase Teacher "Toolbox", Reflection, Review, Synthesize
Time Frame 60 Minutes
Paper Telephone

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 5th - 12th

A mix of "Telephone" and "Pictionary," this short activity teaches students the importance of both descriptive and visual communication. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Small Group

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Engage/Opening

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • 10 - 20 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement, Conversation Starter, Interpret

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 5th - 12th
Quiz, Quiz, Trade

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 1st - 12th

Students review information together by asking and answering questions with a partner. This collaboration fosters active engagement and discussion. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Small Group

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Engage/Opening

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • Less Than 10 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Physical Movement, Speak & Listen

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 1st - 12th
Double Bubble Map

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Kindergarten - Undergraduate

A double bubble map is a graphic organizer used to compare and contrast two concepts. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Small Group

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Explore/Learning Activity

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • 20 - 30 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Compare & Contrast

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Kindergarten - Undergraduate

During this session, participants practice formative assessment strategies that get students moving. They walk, dance, vote, and debate their way to authentic learning experiences. Using multiple resources from the K20 LEARN website, participants leave the session with easily customized strategies that... Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

  • All Staff or Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Whole Class

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Activate Prior Knowledge, Evaluate, Increase Teacher "Toolbox", Physical Movement
Time Frame 50 minutes