Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning


K20 Center, Bradly Cusack, Ryan Whitlock, Keiana Cross | Published: September 15th, 2022 by K20 Center


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EdWordle is a free online tool that makes creating word clouds quick and easy. This tool includes options for editing and downloading.



Create "word clouds" from your text. The size of each word is determined by its frequency of use in the text.


To create a word cloud:

  1. Navigate to EdWordle

  2. Select the Create Now button.

  3. Paste or write the word cloud text.

  4. Select the First Generate a Wordle button.

  5. Make any necessary adjustments (change the font, add words, rearrange words, etc.).

To download a word cloud

  1. Select the File button.

  2. Select Save Image to download the word cloud as an image.

Yunhai Wang. (n.d.). EdWordle. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from