The Leading Educators in Authentic Development (LEAD) workshop is a series of professional learning sessions to develop teachers’ skills to lead professional development at their school sites. This workshop features four sessions over a two-day period. This third session focuses on developing a foundational understanding of the 5E model. Participants will explore the 5E model and how it supports authentic learning for adults. They will also reflect on strengths and weaknesses at their own school site, explore professional development sessions that address site needs, and reflect on strategies used during this session.
Essential Question
How does the 5E Lesson Framework support authentic teaching and learning for adults?
Learning Goals
Understand how the 5E format supports effective professional learning.
Determine strengths, areas of growth, and professional development support that could benefit the participants’ school or site.
Participants complete a Card Sort to establish prior knowledge.
Participants use Triangle, Square, Circle as they read about the 5E format.
In small groups, participants use the Cornell Notes System to explain their assigned portion of the 5E model.
Participants use the Six-Word Memoir strategy to answer: “How does the 5E model in PD support authentic teaching and learning for adults?”
Participants reflect on the strategies used during the session and how they could use those strategies.
Materials List
Session Slides (attached)
5E Lesson Model Card Sort handout (attached; one per set of partners)
5E Lesson Framework reading (attached; one per participant)
Sequencing Authentic Science Lessons handout (attached and linked; one per participant)
5E PD Vetting Design and Feedback handout (attached; one per participant)
Triangle-Square-Circle handout (attached; one per participant)
From the first session
Agenda (attached; one per table)
Instructional Strategy Note Catcher sheet (attached; one per participant)
Beach ball with six colors
Chart paper (at least five sheets)
Sticky notes or scrap paper
35 Minute(s)
Greet participants as they enter. When you are ready to begin, display slide 2 and introduce the Beach Ball Talk and Toss strategy. Let participants know that they are going to throw the ball to one another, and they will have to answer a question assigned to the color their left thumb lands on. Display slide 3 for reference, and model the activity with a co-facilitator. Have participants pass the ball until everyone has had an opportunity to participate. Allow 15–20 minutes for discussion.
After participants return to their seats, show slides 4–5 to briefly introduce the essential question and learning goals. Move to slide 6 and tell participants they need to find a partner. Together they complete a 5E Card Sort. Instruct participants that they have 10 minutes to arrange the cards to best reflect a 5E model for a professional learning experience. Have participants leave their card sorts out on their tables.
45 Minute(s)
Distribute copies of the 5E Lesson Framework Reading—Creating 5E Lessons and instruct participants to read the 5E research. After everyone has read the article, display slide 7. Ask participants to use the Triangle-Square-Circle instructional strategy as a structure to review and discuss the 5E research. Pass out copies of the Triangle-Square-Circle handout and have participants write three main ideas from the reading, two things that square with their beliefs or teaching practices, and one thing that is still circling in their minds or that they’re thinking about.
Advance to slide 8 and instruct participants to revisit their original card sort. Have them rearrange the cards into a sequence that aligns with what they now know based on the research. After participants have had time to review the 5E research and revise their card sort, begin a whole-group discussion with the prompt, “Did you change anything from your original sort?”
35 Minute(s)
Display slide 9 and explain to participants they will revisit the PD from the second session to take a closer look at the 5E model. Pass out copies of the Sequencing Authentic Science Lessons handout, or have participants access the online version of the PD. Provide time for participants to read through the PD. Encourage them to reference their notes from the 5E Lesson Framework reading. After providing time for them to read the PD, ask them to find a partner and identify how the PD aligns with what they know about the 5E model. Ask a few people to share with the whole group.
Ask participants to form five groups by counting off, but instead of counting from one to five, they count off sequentially by the five Es—“Engagement”, “Exploration”, “Explanation”, “Extension”, and “Evaluation.” Instruct participants to Jigsaw, in their groups, a deeper dive into the E assigned to their group.
Display slide 10. Pass out copies of the 5E PD Vetting Design and Feedback handout to each group. Ask participants to use the handout as they reread Sequencing Authentic Science Lessons, focusing on the E assigned to their group. Ask each group to use the information in the features column of the vetting handout to find evidence and examples of their E throughout all sections of the Sequencing Authentic Science Lessons PD. Encourage groups to take notes in the far right column.
Next, each group records examples and evidence of their E in each section of the PD on the provided chart paper, which should be formatted using the Cornell Notes System. Allow enough time for each participant to read and contribute within their group. Then, have each group share out to the larger group: from “Engage” to “Evaluate”.
15 Minute(s)
Transition to slide 11, and introduce participants to the Six-Word Memoir instructional strategy. Prompt them to answer the statement, “How does the 5E Lesson Framework support authentic teaching and learning for adults?” in only six words. Ask for several volunteers to share their memoir. If time permits, continue the discussion by asking:
Which characteristics of the 5E model are closely aligned with Authenticity?
How does the 5E model align with Adult Learning Theory?
Is there anything in your practice you want to start doing, now that you know more about 5E?
20 Minute(s)
Move to slide 12 and go through the strategies used in this session as a group. Remind participants to use their Instructional Strategy Note Catcher handout to write down what each strategy is and how they might apply it at their site. Quickly discuss each strategy individually. Share out something you heard from a participant that you thought was a great idea.
Follow-Up Activities
Continue to the next session, Leading Educators in Professional Development: Presenting Professional Development, to learn about how a professional learning experience aligns with presenting to peers.
Research Rationale
GEAR UP programs will use a professional development approach to help teachers translate research findings into pedagogy, allowing them to focus on student-centered learning by engaging students in authentic, complex tasks guided through inquiry and discourse (Jeter et al., 2018; Stroukoff et al., 2018). Student-centered learning emphasizes learning strategies and instructional sequencing, providing deeper conceptual understanding (Tornwall, 2017) and increasing the likelihood of transfer to real-world situations (White et al., 2017).
(Full works cited list can be found at Authenticity: Works Cited.)
K20 Center. (n.d.). Beach ball talk and toss. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Card Sort. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Cornell notes system. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Bell Ringers and Exit Tickets. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Jigsaw. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Six-word memoir. Strategies.
K20 Center. (n.d.). Triangle-square-circle. Strategies.