This resource collection equips high school counselors with tools to support students. It includes resources such as handouts and presentations for families on topics like college planning, financial aid, and scholarships. Counselors can use this resource to learn valuable technical skills to provide personalized student support.Resources

This professional learning session looks at K20's CAN DO resources. CAN DO stands for College Application Necessities for Different Opportunities. At the beginning of this session, participants will review common college vocabulary and application data. They will then explore the different resources... Read more »
- Teachers
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Summer Session
- Individual, Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group
- College-Going Culture

In this session, participants will learn about the benefits of postsecondary education scholarships, identify potential scholarships that could benefit their student(s), and review the requirements for the FAFSA. Read more »

In this session, participants will learn about the FAFSA and its benefits. The participants will understand the importance of filling out the FAFSA and take time during this session to complete the FAFSA. Read more »
- Paying for College, FAFSA
- Supporting Student Success

Families will gain an understanding of how postsecondary opportunities increase career choices and lifetime earnings. Students and their families will investigate two career choices and discover the benefits and challenges of each. Families will identify resources and information for the potential funding... Read more »

The Building School and Classroom Community professional development focuses on building school identity among teachers and students. Participants will be empowered to select research-based strategies that create community and support learning for all students. Participants will create a vision for... Read more »

Participants will gain an understanding of creating a college-going culture. Participants are asked to: a) analyze the significance of a college-going culture, b) assess the current college-going culture at their school site, and c) create a list of strategies that signal a college-going culture. Through... Read more »
- Pre-Service Training

This professional development session focuses on insights and strategies for creating a college- and career-going culture in schools. Participants will be asked to: (1) analyze the significance of a college- and career-going culture, (2) assess the current college- and career-going culture at their... Read more »
- Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

The Parent Leadership Academy designs and engages a school team consisting of parents, community members, and school leaders to forge the commitment and involvement of parent-school-community partnerships. This event will lead and educate the parent leadership teams through a data driven decision-making... Read more »
- Requires Multiple Meetings to Complete

In this session, students will learn the importance of the FAFSA and important information about filling out the FAFSA. Students will brainstorm ways to pay for college. Read more »
- Students
- Any time of year
- Medium Group (at least 10), Whole Class
- Activate Prior Knowledge, Active Engagement, Analyze, College-Going Culture, Critical Thinking, Interpret, Recognize
- Paying for College, Eligibility, FAFSA, Grants, Scholarships and Loans

Students will explore the many options offered by colleges and universities across the United States. Students will also learn what documents and preparation are required for the college application process. Read more »
- Campus Visits, Students
- 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks
This lesson is to be used after students have reached the point in an application process that calls for a letter of recommendation. However, it can also be used to generate a generic recommendation letter that can later be revised for a specific purpose. Read more »
- Campus Visits, Students

Students engage in activities that explore the characteristics of good college admission/scholarship essays. Then, using the generated list, they create a personal outline for a college admissions essay. Read more »
- Campus Visits, Students

This educator resource helps teachers facilitate a classroom discussion about scholarship myths. Students will complete a K-W-L chart to state what they already know and want to know about scholarships. Afterward, students will research scholarships they qualify for using the Web Inquiry strategy. Students... Read more »
- Students
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks
- College-Going Culture
- Paying for College, Grants, Scholarships and Loans

Students who become financially responsible in college will develop good spending habits that will last a lifetime. This activity enables students to understand ways in which they can change their spending habits, so that they will save money throughout college and in the years that will follow. Read more »
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class

This session focuses on helping students and their families prepare for college by learning useful task management and organization skills. Participants will play a game where they simulate organizing their weekly calendar, then they will explore digital tools that can aid them in their task management,... Read more »
- Parents, Students
- Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Whole Class
- College-Going Culture
- College & Career Interest
- Supporting Student Success
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