This collection of club activities provides teachers and facilitators of school clubs with resources for helping students to practice academic skills within the club context. These activities will enhance students' skills in areas such as self-regulation, collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These activities can be taught in any order to best fit student or club needs.Resources

Students taking AP or Concurrent Enrollment courses will be able to benefit from actively thinking about how they study for these college-level courses compared to their other courses. Students who know how to approach their college courses differently will be better prepared to succeed with these study... Read more »
- Any time of year

Students complete a sequence puzzle, play a round of backward charades, and make a plan for an upcoming task using backward planning to make sure they can reach their goal on time. Read more »
- Students
- 2nd Nine Weeks
- Medium Group (at least 10)
- Critical Thinking

When you have a big task ahead of you, you need a plan. Why? Because when you have setbacks, a solid plan and manageable goals can help. In this activity, students learn about using micro-goals to break apart large tasks into smaller pieces, how to make big projects more manageable, and how to handle... Read more »
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Whole Class

Surprises and roadblocks can keep us from accomplishing our goals on time. In this lesson, students will learn how to consider what could become roadblocks to completing a task and how to build a calendar to stay on track and to minimize surprises. Read more »
- Students
- Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10)
- Analyze, Brainstorming, Critical Thinking, Identify, Organize, Problem Solving, Reflection, Self-assessment

Failure is not easy as we go through it, but it can be an important learning opportunity with the right perspective. By approaching these moments with a positive mental attitude, it is possible for someone to take these moments of failure and turn them into the foundation for later success. Read more »
- Students
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year, Summer Session
- Individual, Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class
- Reflection, Requires Multiple Meetings to Complete, Research, Self-assessment, Speak & Listen, Student Choice, Writing Across Curriculum

Students will learn to evaluate and prioritize tasks by making personal timelines. Students will then use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by importance and timeliness. Then, they will revise their timelines and reflect on what they learned about priorities and task management. Read more »
- Any time of year
- Individual, Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class

Planning our time requires thinking ahead about how long tasks take and making decisions about prioritizing the ways we spend our time. Students have some experience doing this daily, but in their college and career lives, they will be expected to estimate and balance their own time more and more to... Read more »

Students will listen to an engaging speech and record their thoughts. Students will then choose a topic of their interest and write down all they know about the topic in a two-minute paper. Students will learn more about preparing a speech and discuss their learning with their peers. They will create... Read more »
- Any time of year
- Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Whole Class
- Persuade, Present, Speak & Listen
- College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities
- Argument Writing, Communication

Students who become financially responsible in college will develop good spending habits that will last a lifetime. This activity enables students to understand ways in which they can change their spending habits, so that they will save money throughout college and in the years that will follow. Read more »
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class

Though the traditional five-paragraph essay is a great foundational tool, writing beyond the traditional high school environment can take many forms. One form is known as an infographic, combining visuals with researched information. In this club activity, students gain an introduction to the infographic... Read more »
- Students
- Any time of year
- Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group
- College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities
- Informative Writing

Students learn to write personal and academic goals that are SMART, track their habits, review and revise their goals as needed, and reflect on the process. Read more »
- Students
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year, Planning/Collaboration/Conference Time, Pre-Service Training, Summer Session
- Individual, Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class
- Brainstorming, Requires Multiple Meetings to Complete, Self-assessment
- Academic Progress
- Supporting Student Success

Students explore the benefits of working in a group with diverse viewpoints and reflect on their own work preferences and how they shape the ways they contribute to group work. Read more »
- Students
- Any time of year
- Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group
- Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Persuade, Physical Movement, Problem Solving, Reason, Speak & Listen
- College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities

High school is an excellent place for students to begin honing their research and writing skills. Practicing these skills enables students to become better writers and thinkers. This activity could easily apply to clubs that have a project component which may require research, such as robotics club... Read more »
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year
- Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Whole Class
- Evaluate, Research, Summarize, Synthesize, Writing
- College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Oftentimes, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) and Growth Mindset seem as if they are one and the same. During this activity, students will explore the importance of developing a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) in order to establish a Growth Mindset and will finally... Read more »
- Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class
- College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities
- School Environment, Supporting Student Success

Students learn about their motivations by playing Would You Rather, completing a motivation inventory, and sorting extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. They apply their knowledge to create a vision board for completing a task. Read more »
- Any time of year
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Whole Class
- Reflection
- College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities
- Decision-Making

In this session, participants explore themes from research on the benefits of extra/co-curricular activities and analyze the ways in which club activity design connects back to the research. Facilitators model guidance that participants can apply to their classrooms; this will provide educators with... Read more »
- Administrators, All Staff or Teachers, New Teachers, Other Stakeholders, PLC, Teachers
- 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year, Planning/Collaboration/Conference Time, Pre-Service Training, Summer Session
- Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Whole Class
- Action Plans, Aligning with Other Programs, Analyze, Brainstorming, College-Going Culture, Research
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