The term “student-centered learning” is often used to describe a shift from a teacher-centric focus to a student-centric focus. Student-centered learning is embodied in three domains: student agency, scaffolded learning, and the cultural nature of learning. While student agency or voice is imperative for authentic student-centered learning experiences, it also requires that teachers surrender some classroom authority to make room for collaboration with students (Flessner, 2014; Kuhlthau et al, 2015; Levy, 2008; Vaughn, 2020). Student voice involves intricate teacher-student interactions enabling informed decision-making based on students' beliefs, preferences, and learning needs in the classroom (Lasky, 2005; Moses et al., 2020). With Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and strategies, students and teachers are given support in creating their own authentic experiences. The following collection houses two sets of resources. The first type of resource, AI Tech Tools, aids in the creation of computer-generated content, while the second, AI Instructional Strategies, focuses on applicable classroom strategies to enhance student voice and choice.Resources
Chatbots are great brainstorming, research, and development tools for both teachers and students. A chatbot is a software application or web interface that is designed to mimic human conversation through text or voice interactions, often using natural language processing (NLP) to understand the user’s... Read more »
This tool provides a list of popular AI image-generating platforms that are designed to help empower students in their creative endeavors. Teachers can use these tools to curate visual resources directly related to their students’ and classroom culture.
An AI image generator helps create images that are visually appealing and relevant to the content. The AI image generator employs artificial neural networks (ANN), inspired by biological neural networks, to rapidly create diverse images based on learned patterns and styles from a vast dataset of image-text... Read more »
Students can use an AI chatbot to replicate peer review work without the fear of hurting any human feelings in the process. This tool helps develop authentic conversations with the different filters available and allows for students’ voices to shine through as they engage with the bot. Additionally, teachers can use a chatbot for content development or quick references.
Anticipate the Bot
- 3rd - Undergraduate
Students practice summarizing by comparing/contrasting their work with an AI (artificial intelligence) chatbot. Read more »
- Individual, Small Group
- Explore/Learning Activity, Explain/Closing, Extend/Additional Learning Activity
- 10 - 20 Minutes
- Compare & Contrast, Critical Thinking, Reflection, Self-assessment, Summarize, Synthesize, Writing
- 3rd - Undergraduate
Teachers can use this strategy to create authentic content unique to their classroom setting. Additionally, students may use this strategy to practice description and storytelling skills.
Autodraw is an AI Google product that enables the user to turn scribbles into clip art to create digital content. Read more »
Students can use Autodraw to create diagrams, timelines, and other visual aids. The use of this tool requires students to engage in design thinking and problem-solving in order to create the best visual representation of their idea.
Critique the Bot
- 4th - Undergraduate
This strategy encourages students to critically examine text written by artificial intelligence (AI). Teachers first use AI to generate a short story, essay, lab report, script, or other text, then students evaluate the text practicing analysis skills and giving peer feedback. This allows teachers to... Read more »
- Individual, Small Group, Whole Class
- Explore/Learning Activity, Explain/Closing
- 20 - 30 Minutes
- Activate Prior Knowledge, Active Engagement, Analyze, Compare & Contrast, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Evaluate, Identify, Interpret, Recognize, Review, Synthesize, Writing
- 4th - Undergraduate
With this strategy, students are able to practice giving feedback on writing without judgment from the writer, and they also practice analytical skills by determining whether the bot has accomplished the task correctly. In addition, students can check their work autonomously, while also avoiding any embarrassment. By using a chatbot this way, content is more personally connected to the classroom environment.
Diffit is a website for teachers to generate instructional materials and to differentiate instructional materials using AI (artificial intelligence). Read more »
Teachers can use Diffit to create or enhance curriculum and instantly translate the content language, re-level the text, add DOK (depth of knowledge) questions and more to provide differentiated content that reflects each learner’s level.
Use more than 60 customizable tools to plan lessons, create projects, differentiate learning, and more. MagicSchool AI is free to use. Read more »
Teachers can use MagicSchool AI to craft custom, standards-based content, which can then be tailored to offer differentiated learning activities for students. Whether the learning experience is designed for individuals or for collaborative group work, MagicSchool AI supports scaffolding to enhance students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This ensures a personalized and engaging learning journey for every student, regardless of their starting point.
- 4th - Undergraduate
Use this strategy to help students connect to text in a personally meaningful way. Prompt a chatbot—like ChatGPT, MagicSchool AI, Claude, or other LLMs—to generate text that sparks curiosity, caters to the interests or cultures of students, and even includes student choice by asking students to help... Read more »
- Small Group, Whole Class
- Explore/Learning Activity, Explain/Closing
- 10 - 20 Minutes, 20 - 30 Minutes
- Active Engagement, Annotating Text, Collaborate, Compare & Contrast, Conversation Starter, Identify, Interpret, Organize, Reason, Recognize, Student Choice, Synthesize, Vocabulary
- 4th - Undergraduate
Students can use this strategy to practice checking their work and even simulate partner work in an authentic way. The teacher can use this strategy to introduce conversations about the advantages/limitations of the use of AI based on student feedback.
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