Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Bunches of Badges

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This strategy is used to increase motivation in students by providing them with “badges” that reward them for engaging in content and symbolizes their achievement or mastery of a skill. Read more »

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C.R.U.S.H. & Smush

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C.R.U.S.H. & Smush is an acronym that helps students annotate any literary text: circle, read, underline, star, highlight, and smush (summarize). Read more »

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Caption This

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This strategy invites students to analyze images related to a topic and then create captions to demonstrate what they have learned about the topic. Read more »

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Card Matching

Grade Level Grade Level

This formative assessment strategy involves finding pairs (or sets) of cards that uniquely share the same relationship or attribute. Card decks do not need to have equal size groups. Consider creating uneven matches, where there are more of one type of card than another, or creating some cards that... Read more »

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Card Sort

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This strategy is used in a variety of ways to organize prior knowledge about a concept or topic and has students practice argumentative communication by debating their answers with a group or partner. Read more »

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Categorical Highlighting

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This strategy actively engages readers in a text as they look for and annotate information that fits in predetermined categories of interest or importance. Read more »

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Chain Notes

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This strategy provides students the opportunity to examine others' ideas and compare them to their own thinking. Read more »

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Chalk Talk

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This strategy is a silent way to reflect, generate ideas, check on learning, and solve problems with a group. Because the conversation in this activity takes place by writing or drawing, it offers a chance for deep thinking and less opportunity for verbal conflict. Read more »

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Grade Level Grade Level

CHAMPS is a visual classroom management strategy that helps set expectations each day. Read more »

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Chant It, Sing It, Rap It

Grade Level Grade Level

This strategy uses music and teamwork to promote communication skills, review prior knowledge, and teach new concepts. Read more »

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Chat Stations

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Chat Stations provide educators with a quick way to set up and facilitate small group discussion while integrating movement and active engagement. Students move around the room, encounter new discussion topics, and take note of key points from their talk time. Read more »

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Chatty Chatbot

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This student-centered strategy uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to simulate a conversation between students and famous historical or fictional characters. Read more »

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